[Closed] MAX_Script_Help – > Creating Groups By Selection
Hey Everyone,
I am fairly new to MaxScript and I am working on creating a console of sorts. I have built a very crude GUI for some pretty basic actions. However I am stuck on a particular one that I just cant figure out.
Is there a way to create a button, that creates a group from a selection of objects in a scene? This is tricky because its the opposite of how it would normally get done. In other words,
Select a number of objects in the scene with “Rectangular selection region tool” then > run a script that automatically creates a group based on the selection. Would be awesome if it created a button, then it asks “what would you like to call this group?”
That way, whenever I need to recall that group I just press the newly created button.
The way I have this set up now, I select the group, copy and paste that selection from listener in a prebuilt set of code. I am trying to make it so the group is automatically created. =
on GrpPalletViper pressed do – input your selection for this group!
Select #($ViperLight005,
If you know how to do this please let me know, and thank you in advance!
my question is – do you want to know how to make a code that does do what you want? or … do you just want a code that does do it?
for example… there is a solution shown abode. i’m pretty sure it works. is it enough?
Try this:
try destroydialog GroupCreator catch()
fn getuserstring default:"Groupname" =
RenameDialog = dotNetObject "MaxCustomControls.RenameInstanceDialog" default
DialogResult = RenameDialog.Showmodal()
dotnet.compareenums RenameDialog.DialogResult ((dotnetclass "System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult").OK)
Outputstring = RenameDialog.InstanceName
rollout GroupCreator "---"
local mygroup
button BTN_MakeGroup "Make Group"
on BTN_MakeGroup pressed do
if mygroup == undefined then
mygroup = group selection name:(getuserstring default:"Groupname") select:true
else select mygroup
createdialog GroupCreator
The dotnetdialog for renaming is originally not mine, i found it here on the forum iirc.
Hey guys,
Thanks for the quick reply!,
Heilandzack – So this is really close, however I realize I wasn’t being really clear on what I am trying to accomplish. I am not actually trying to build “Groups” I am trying to make a button that selects certain objects.
For example:
Select a number of objects in the scene with “Rectangular selection region tool” then > run a script that automatically creates a selection button based on the objects I have selected . That way, when I press the button that the script created, It will automatically select those objects.
This is what the final result would look like:
– Create a Scene with eight generic Standard free spot lights then run this script!
try(destroyDialog test)catch()
rollout test “Test” width:191 height:73
button btn1 “Grp1” pos:[11,10] width:50 height:50
button btn2 "Grp2" pos:[74,10] width:50 height:50
button btn5 "Deselect" pos:[135,9] width:50 height:50
on btn1 pressed do
select #($Fspot003, $Fspot002, $Fspot007, $Fspot006)
on btn2 pressed do
select #($Fspot004, $Fspot001, $Fspot005,$Fspot008)
on btn5 pressed do
Createdialog Test
The problem here though is I have to manually input the selections into the script. I want to make a script that will input these selections based on what I have manually grabbed in the scene. I hope that makes sense.
Why you don’t use the Named Selection Set? You can create as many selSets as you want and won’t be limited by the UI of the script.
-craete separate variable for each button. This variable will holds the selected objects.
-when you press the button the script will check if this variable is a collection of obejcts(an array). If it is not – put the selected objects to the variable. If the variable is an array – select all objects in this array.
You can add some visual feedback to tell you which button will select obejcts.
try(destroyDialog test)catch()
rollout test "Test" width:191 height:73
local grp1Arr = undefined
local grp2Arr = undefined
button btn1 "Grp1" pos:[11,10] width:50 height:50
button btn2 "Grp2" pos:[74,10] width:50 height:50
button btn5 "Deselect" pos:[135,9] width:50 height:50
function StoreSelection =
if selection.count != 0 do
arr = selection as array
on btn1 pressed do
if grp1Arr == undefined then
grp1Arr = StoreSelection()
select grp1Arr
on btn2 pressed do
if grp2Arr == undefined then
grp2Arr = StoreSelection()
select grp2Arr
on btn5 pressed do
Createdialog Test
Hey Miauu
I really like this option, if I understand it correctly the action would be. ” Select the objects in the scene, then press the button” <- the button saves whatever is selected as the variable and then plays it back whenever pressed.
In this scenario it would be very beneficial for the button to ask “what would you like to name this button” (referring to the selection of objects that have just been selected)
Now, how the heck would you program that? I am way way too green, but I am learning. = )
Something like this:
try(destroyDialog test)catch()
rollout test "Test" width:191 height:83
local grp1Arr = undefined
local grp2Arr = undefined
local curBtn = undefined
button btn1 "Grp1" pos:[11,10] width:50 height:50
button btn2 "Grp2" pos:[74,10] width:50 height:50
button btn5 "Deselect" pos:[135,9] width:50 height:50
edittext et_btnName "" text:"" bold:true readOnly:true
function StoreSelection =
if selection.count != 0 do
arr = selection as array
function SetButtonName btn: =
et_btnName.readOnly = false
curBtn = btn
setFocus et_btnName
on et_btnName entered txt do
curBtn.text = txt
et_btnName.text = ""
et_btnName.readOnly = true
on btn1 pressed do
if grp1Arr == undefined then
grp1Arr = StoreSelection()
SetButtonName btn:btn1
select grp1Arr
on btn2 pressed do
if grp2Arr == undefined then
grp2Arr = StoreSelection()
SetButtonName btn:btn2
select grp2Arr
on btn5 pressed do
Createdialog Test
When you press the button the text field will become editable and you ca write the name of the button directly after pressing the button. No need to click in the text field. When you press the ENTER key to set the new name to the button the text field will become non editable.
But, with this method you can’t store new obejcts to already used button. You can add
on btn1 rightClick do
to clear the variable that holds the obejcts for the clicked button and then to be able with lefr click on the button to store new obejcts.
I still think that the NamedSelectionSet is a better solution. You can have the UI as separate window and much more options. The named selectionsets are saved with the scene and so on.
Hey Miauu
Woah, this is perfect! I know it seems like a weird way to do things, but this coincides with how lighting programming works. So from that point of view its a much more organic transition from lighting console to 3Ds GUI.
I have a few other interesting problems I need solved as well. I will start a new thread as I continue to work on this project.
Thank you!
try (destroydialog CollectSelSet) catch()
rollout CollectSelSet "Collect SelSet" width:204
edittext selset_name_ed "Selection Set Name:" labelOnTop:on fieldwidth:190 align:#left offset:[-5,0]
button collect_bt "Collect" width:190 align:#left offset:[-5,4] \
tooltip:"Add Selection To Selection Set
+ CTRL - Replace"
on collect_bt pressed do undo "Collect SelSet" on
if (name = selset_name_ed.text) != "" do
nodes = selection as array
if (selectionSets[name] == undefined) or keyboard.controlpressed then selectionSets[name] = nodes
selectionSets[name] = join nodes selectionSets[name]
createdialog CollectSelSet
I’ve thought to offer him a solution with editText field and listbox. He can select the objects, enter the name, hit Enter and in the listbox will appear the newly created selSet. Then: doubleclick the desired name in the listbox to select the objects, rightclick to remove from the list. But, it seems the he prefers to use buttons.
finally i would cool to have ‘full service’ (list, add, remove, rename, find, etc.). but currently it would be too advenced.
list is cool, but its most problem is reverse setup – when selset added, deleted, renamed, etc. not in the tool, or/and undo/redo related to selsets was happened