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[Closed] max2008 EXR issue and possible fix?

I looked into this here at work for myself and found we did have the same issue. Apparently no one on the floor thought uncompressed 128bit files where much of an issue…
Anyway, I solved the issue here with a PostFileOpen callback, which sets properties via MaxOpenEXR interface.
We can now decide what’s 16bit or 32bit per channel as well as w/wo Alpha and PreMulti, per submittal.

Or if you wish to NOT save the green channel, try the code below…

  postOpenStr = ( "
  	MaxOpenEXR.SetSaveBitDepth 1
  	MaxOpenEXR.SetSaveCompressionType 4
  	MaxOpenEXR.SetSaveUseRealPix false
  	MaxOpenEXR.SetSaveAlpha true
  	MaxOpenEXR.SetSaveRed true
  	MaxOpenEXR.SetSaveBlue true
  	MaxOpenEXR.SetSaveGreen false
  	MaxOpenEXR.SetSavePreMultAlpha false
  callbacks.addScript #filePostOpen postOpenStr id:#SetEXRSettings persistent:true

I found using a bitDepth of 8 bits per channel produces a black frame everytime… ( plugin issue or Vray? not that there is a point to saving an 8bit .exr )

We actually solved the issue of OpenExr channel settings not being transferred not by copying the openexr.ini to all machines but the openexr_temp.dat which is located in the same directory. Not sure if this had been changed in max 2008 but the openexr.ini alone did not make it work for us (on max2008).

Kind regards,
Friedolin Dreesen

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