[Closed] Max script request
I’d like to ask for a script that converts dummy helpers to groups. You can see what I need from the following screenshots
looking at your final result i see that you don’t care about dummy001, 002, 003 animations. is it true?
so… the simplest script is:
mapped fn makeGroupHead node = if isvalidnode node and node.children.count > 0 do
if not isgrouphead node and not isgroupmember node do
cc = join #() node
deleteitem cc 1
if isvalidnode (g = group cc name:node.name) do
g.parent = node.parent
if node.isselected do selectmore g
delete node
makeGroupHead (selection as array)
do i miss anything?
Yes, this is exactly what I needed. Also could this script be modified to have an option where the dummies can be converted into containers instead of groups?
Thank you for your help.
here is more correct parent->grouphead and parent->container functions:
mapped fn parentToGroupHead node = if isvalidnode node and node.children.count > 0 do
if not isgrouphead node and not isgroupmember node do
cc = join #() node
deleteitem cc 1
parent = node.parent
node.children.parent = undefined
sel = node.isselected
if isvalidnode (g = group #(node) name:node.name) do
g.parent = parent
g.transform.controller = node.transform.controller
attachnodestogroup cc g
delete #(node)
if sel do selectmore g
mapped fn parentToContainer node = if isvalidnode node and node.children.count > 0 do
if not iskindof node Container do
cc = join #() node
deleteitem cc 1
if isvalidnode (c = Container name:node.name parent:node.parent) do
c.transform.controller = node.transform.controller
c.addnodestocontent cc
if node.isselected do selectmore c
delete node
The script runs well when the dummy helpers are not linked (parented), but when one dummy is a child of another the script doesn’t group the bottom child. I’ve made a short video clip that explains this problem.
Maybe I’m using a wrong call for the functions?
it works if you process the nested dummies first… so to make it works the selection list (or any node collection) has to be sorted from descendants to ancestors…
actually it’s a good challenge for anyone who wants to practice in mxs…
write a function that sorts node list in order where every node stays before its ancestors.
Yes you’re right. It works if the selection list is sorted but only for the parentToGroupHead function. The parentToContainer function doesn’t seem to work.
I tried with this
fn addBeforeAncestors obj = if objects.count != 0 do
local o = (while obj.parent != undefined do obj = obj.parent)
local childsArr = #(o)
while o.children[1] != undefined do
insertitem o.children[1] childsArr 1
o = childArrs[1]
getAllChildren objects[1]
I seem to be at a loss. I don’t know how to call these functions… Could you please write how they should be run. Thanks.
I’d like to ask for a script that Can intake EVERY framestate Of an object And Pack them into EVERY percent of a Morph target’s channel. Making it so That The selected Morph channel’s “0-thru-100” is that PathDeform’s vine-like animation!, instaed of it being your average morph ]( .html)[/IMG] ]( .html)[/IMG] ]( .html)[/IMG]