[Closed] Max script being random in evaluation ?
I am going trough a bunch of files and I want to make a screengrab of the object in each file. I want to have a unified appereance ot the objects. The following function is used within a larger script and when I run it in the listener it works fine. As soon as I incorporate the function into the larger script it seems like some steps are missing. There is no error reports even if I remove the disable screen redraw but it does not seem to change the fov of the camera for example. Is there a more efficient/reliable way of doing this ?
function getScreengrab Inputobject =
if isValidNode Inputobject do
select Inputobject
CenterPivot Inputobject -- mapped method
IsoMatrix = (matrix3 [0.70931,-0.405152,0.576829] [0.704897,0.407688,-0.58044] [0,0.818317,0.574768] [-0.236806,-0.543412,-241.063])
max unhide all
max hide inv
max zoomext sel
viewport.setLayout #layout_1
viewport.setType #view_persp_user
viewport.setTM IsoMatrix
viewport.SetShowEdgeFaces false
viewport.SetRenderLevel #smoothhighlights
viewport.setGridVisibility #all false
thumboutPath = (outputPath+"\\"+GetMaxShortFileName()+"_screengrab.jpg")
max zoomext sel-- zoom in
macros.run "Lights and Cameras" "Camera_CreateFromView"
camerascreen = viewport.getCamera()
camerascreen.fov = 27
ScreenCapture.filename = thumboutPath
save ScreenCapture quiet:true
It’s kind of hard to tell fully, it might be having problems on particular objects or scenes.
One question though, is the statement “screencapture” a function? If it is, it should end with closed brackets ie “screencapture()”
thanks for the reply. I have run the same objects trough in the listener and that work fine so it is rather confusing.
btw screencapture is a variable.
Okay, if the function is operating in isolation, then there may be an issue with the script somewhere else and it is only manifesting itself here…
Get out the format commands…