[Closed] max calculator help
Recently i wrote a script that allow you to use the calculator inside 3ds max.
Now I have a few questions about two things:
#1 How to force the drop down to be open all the time.
#2 Is it possible to activate all keys of the numpad to be able to works like with standard Windows Calculator. (enter = equals)
This is the code
try(destroydialog ::CalcRoll) catch()
rollout CalcRoll " maxCalculator v1.0" width:(if (maxVersion())[1] == 14000 then (208) else (220)) height:20
dotNetControl mxsPnl "MaxCustomControls.MaxUserControl" pos:[0,0]
fn defPoint x y = (dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Point" x y)
fn defSize x y = (dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Size" x y)
fn defColor r g b = ((dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color").FromArgb r g b)
fn defCalcObj dxCalc Pnl w h bgClr =
dxCalc.Location = defPoint (Pnl.pos.x) (Pnl.pos.y)
dxCalc.Width = w ; dxCalc.Height = h ; dxCalc.BackColor = bgClr
fn DisableAccel = (enableAccelerators = false) ; fn EnableAccel = (enableAccelerators = true)
fn dxCalcGF = (DisableAccel()) ; fn dxCalcLF = (EnableAccel())
local dncGC = dotNetClass "System.GC"
local bgCol = (defColor 240 240 220)
on CalcRoll open do
mxsPnl.Width = CalcRoll.width ; mxsPnl.Height = CalcRoll.height
dxCalc = dotNetObject "DevExpress.XtraEditors.CalcEdit"
defCalcObj dxCalc mxsPnl mxsPnl.Width mxsPnl.Height bgCol
dotnet.AddEventHandler dxCalc "GotFocus" dxCalcGF
dotnet.AddEventHandler dxCalc "LostFocus" dxCalcLF
on CalcRoll close do ( dncGC.collect() ; gc light:true ; clearListener() )
createDialog CalcRoll style:#(#style_titlebar, #style_sysmenu, #style_toolwindow)
Thanks in advance
i’m curious what you need this for? do you know about the built in calculator which can be activated by clicking in the edit box of any spinner and pressing Ctrl+n ?
i hate this calculator because:
it’s modal
closes after you enter the expression
doesn’t support math functions
needs Enter or Pressing Paste button to set the value…
i found it absolutely useless many years ago and never used it after that (and almost forgot about its existence :))
several times i had an idea to start writing my own calculator, but every time i just simply went to the listener, typed and executed expression that i need, and copied the result…
well… i did it
try(destroydialog ExpCalculator) catch()
rollout ExpCalculator "Expression Calculator" width:200
edittext calc pos:[12,3] width:0
edittext rezult "=" labelOnTop:off readOnly:on pos:[4,24] fieldwidth:96
timer mover active:off interval:50
local start
on mover tick do if mouse.pos != start do
setdialogpos ExpCalculator ((getdialogpos ExpCalculator) + mouse.pos - start)
start = mouse.pos
on calc changed text do rezult.text = try ((execute text) as string) catch("")
on ExpCalculator resized size do calc.width = ExpCalculator.width - 20
on ExpCalculator lbuttondown pos do
start = mouse.pos
mover.active = on
on ExpCalculator lbuttonup pos do mover.active = off
on ExpCalculator rbuttonup pos do destroydialog ExpCalculator
on ExpCalculator open do calc.width = ExpCalculator.width - 20
on ExpCalculator close do
mover.active = off
createDialog ExpCalculator style:#(#style_resizing, #style_border) lockHeight:on
I agree to all the things you said. This calc is limited in to many ways.
By the way you have much better solution.
I set
dxCalc.Properties.ValidateOnEnterKey = true
but nothing is happening when i press Enter.
I know about Numerical Expression Evaluator, but you need always to select something to be able to activate the spinners and run it.
here is n advanced version
try(destroydialog ExpCalculator) catch()
rollout ExpCalculator "Expression Calculator by denisT" width:400
fn isLinkable t = (iscontroller t.anim) and t.anim.keyable and (matchpattern ((classof t.anim) as string) pattern:"*_float")
edittext calc pos:[12,3] width:0
edittext result "=" labelOnTop:off readOnly:on pos:[4,26] fieldwidth:96
spinner binder range:[-1e9,1e9,0] type:#float visible:off pos:[0,-20]
checkbutton link "Link" width:40 pos:[116,24] tooltip:"Links the result to the specified controller
RC - Unlink"
label track "" pos:[164,28] width:10000
timer mover active:off interval:50
fn makePickOptions =
local v = 0
for b in #{9,10,15} do v = bit.set v b on
local pickoptions = makePickOptions()
local start
on mover tick do if mouse.pos != start do
setdialogpos ExpCalculator ((getdialogpos ExpCalculator) + mouse.pos - start)
start = mouse.pos
on calc changed text do
val = try (execute text) catch()
result.text = if val == undefined then "" else val as string
if (try(val as float) catch()) != undefined do binder.value = val
on link changed state do
if state do
t = trackView.pickTrackDlg isLinkable options:pickoptions
if t != undefined and iscontroller t.anim do
binder.controller = t.anim
track.text = exprForMAXObject t.anim
link.state = off
on link rightclick do
binder.controller = undefined
track.text = ""
link.state = off
fn onResized =
calc.width = ExpCalculator.width - 20
on ExpCalculator resized size do onResized()
on ExpCalculator lbuttondown pos do
start = mouse.pos
mover.active = on
on ExpCalculator lbuttonup pos do mover.active = off
on ExpCalculator rbuttonup pos do destroydialog ExpCalculator
on ExpCalculator open do
on ExpCalculator close do
mover.active = off
createDialog ExpCalculator style:#(#style_resizing, #style_border) lockHeight:on
edit: a minor bug fixed
and finaly the PRO version made as macroscript.
it remembers dialog’s position and size, and recently linked controller…
macroScript ExpCalculator
buttonText:"Exp CALC"
toolTip:"Expression Calculator by denisT"
rollout ExpCalculator "Expression Calculator by denisT" width:400
local opened
local position = unsupplied, size = unsupplied
fn isLinkable t = (iscontroller t.anim) and t.anim.keyable and (matchpattern ((classof t.anim) as string) pattern:"*_float")
local anim = if anim != undefined do anim
edittext calc pos:[12,3] width:0
edittext result "=" labelOnTop:off readOnly:on pos:[4,26] fieldwidth:96
spinner binder range:[-1e9,1e9,0] type:#float visible:off pos:[0,-20]
checkbutton link "Link" width:40 pos:[116,24] tooltip:"Links the result to the specified controller
RC - Unlink"
label track "" pos:[164,28] width:10000
timer mover active:off interval:50
fn makePickOptions =
local v = 0
for b in #{9,10,15} do v = bit.set v b on
local pickoptions = makePickOptions()
local start
on mover tick do if mouse.pos != start do
setdialogpos ExpCalculator ((getdialogpos ExpCalculator) + mouse.pos - start)
start = mouse.pos
on calc changed text do
val = try (execute text) catch()
result.text = if val == undefined then "" else val as string
if (try(val as float) catch()) != undefined do binder.value = val
on link changed state do
if state do
t = trackView.pickTrackDlg isLinkable options:pickoptions
if t != undefined and iscontroller t.anim do
binder.controller = anim = t.anim
track.text = exprForMAXObject t.anim
link.state = off
on link rightclick do
binder.controller = anim = undefined
track.text = ""
link.state = off
on ExpCalculator lbuttondown pos do
start = mouse.pos
mover.active = on
on ExpCalculator lbuttonup pos do mover.active = off
on ExpCalculator rbuttonup pos do destroydialog ExpCalculator
fn onResized = (calc.width = ExpCalculator.width - 20)
on ExpCalculator resized s do onResized()
on ExpCalculator open do
opened = on
if iscontroller anim do
binder.controller = anim
track.text = exprForMAXObject anim
on ExpCalculator close do
mover.active = off
opened = off
position = getdialogpos ExpCalculator
size = ExpCalculator.width
local dialog = ExpCalculator
on isChecked do dialog.opened
on execute do
if dialog.open then destroydialog dialog
else createDialog dialog style:#(#style_resizing, #style_border) pos:dialog.position width:dialog.size lockHeight:on
did i forget anything? any cool features to add?
No.It’s all good now. Fantastic!!!
Thanks Denis.
I guess I should give up of my attempts to make devX calcEdit to work properly.Right?
honestly i don’t like all DevX controls. i stopped using them about 3 years ago. Any customization of them makes them very slow. And their original (default) look is outmoded.