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[Closed] Max 2017UI for 5k and 4k from usual monitors

I wonder how to Check my tools from usual monitor (1920×1200 px) without purchasing 5k or 4K monitor in max 2017 for such high resolution monitors.
My dream is to buy apple 5k monitor, but it is too early.

Don’t you know any “bypass”?

11 Replies

Set windows font scaling to 150% or 200%

Crapple LG 5K monitor issues when too near a router…read before you buy…

NVIDIA Control Panel allows you to set higher resolutions than your monitor supports.

Go to Display – Change resolution
click customize -> Create custom resolution

Create your resolution there.
Make sure to test, not all resolutions work with all monitors.
Sometimes it helps to change refresh rate if a resolution doesn’t work.

Works like a charm. I used it a lot to display 4K on a fullHD screen.

After that you can set this resolution in the usual windows settings.

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Didn’t know about it. Thanks.

I just cant understand, if we make an image button, then should we have the same icon with different resolutions from now on?

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MAX (Qt graphics) scales it for different resolutions

So, it means that I need to make just one higher resolution image for max 2017, right?

I think you need to 4 sets of image per icon.

Let’s say I create a rollout like in this example:


createdialog dialog_installed 400 418 – this are pixels.

Should I check the screen size and change the size of rollout? Please anyone with 5k monitor download this example and check.

you have to use Qt controls instead of .NET

if you want to use .NET you have to scale your controls yourself. MAX 2017 provides a UI scale factor which depends on monitor (4K or not) used

waw, didn’t know about that. Now I need to investigate! Thank you so much, Denis!