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[Closed] MAX 2017 Unwrap UVW – SetVertexPosition2() Bug
Jun 29, 2016 6:15 pm
Another bug found?. I am not sure if this is strictly related to the Unwrap UVW Modifier itself or a side issue caused by the new MXS improvements (see this thread).
Below is a sample code to reproduce the problem:
- Huge memory leak
- Very slow performance
This applies also to the related “ByNode” methods of the Unwrap UVW Modifier.
/* CREATE TEST SCENE ---------------------------- */
delete objects
obj = converttopoly (teapot segs:20 isselected:on)
max modify mode
uvw = unwrap_uvw()
modpanel.addmodtoselection uvw
/* ---------------------------------------------- */
gc(); st=timestamp(); sh=heapfree
sysRAM = (sysinfo.getSystemMemoryInfo())[3]
GetVertexPosition = uvw.getVertexPosition
SetVertexPosition2 = uvw.setVertexPosition2
for j = 1 to uvw.numberVertices() do
pos = GetVertexPosition currenttime j
pos += 0.5
SetVertexPosition2 currenttime j pos true false -- << LEAK + SLOWDOWN
format "3DS MAX %
" (((maxversion())[1]/1000)+1998)
local t = timestamp()-st
local h = sh-heapfree
local r = (sysRAM-(sysinfo.getSystemMemoryInfo())[3]) / 1024.^2
format "time:%ms heap:% LEAK:%MB
" t h r
msg = "" as stringstream
format "So far we have:
Time: %ms
Heap: %
LEAK: %MB" t h r to:msg
format "
messagebox msg
/* UNDO OPERATION ------------------------------- */
st=timestamp(); sh=heapfree
sysRAM = (sysinfo.getSystemMemoryInfo())[3]
max undo
local t = timestamp()-st
local h = sh-heapfree
local r = (sysRAM-(sysinfo.getSystemMemoryInfo())[3]) / 1024.^2
format "UNDO >> time:%ms heap:% LEAK:%MB
" t h r
msg = "" as stringstream
format "UNDO RESULT:
Time: %ms
Heap: %
LEAK: %MB" t h r to:msg
messagebox msg
/* ---------------------------------------------- */
3DS MAX 2016
time:47ms heap:1352L LEAK:0.00390625MB
UNDO >> time:0ms heap:3984L LEAK:0.015625MB
3DS MAX 2017
time:1143ms heap:1540L LEAK:3798.47MB
UNDO >> time:34533ms heap:2864L LEAK:3824.97MB
1 Reply
Jun 29, 2016 6:15 pm
Maybe somebody will need this answer.
I disabled “hold” argument.
SetVertexPosition2 currenttime j pos false false
3DS MAX 2017
time:61ms heap:1228L LEAK:0.0MB
UNDO >> time:0ms heap:388L LEAK:0.0MB
with undo off () will lead to same results.