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[Closed] Math for skin transfer?


I had some fun with your code and rearranged it in an interactive dialog.
press the left mouse button anywhere on the map to add a white point
and press then right mouse button to add a black point.

I added another variable named ‘thresh’ to the equation to help deal with the issue you had with everything becoming gray (averaged) when far away from any point.

I also added the ‘trunk’ variable to un contrast the interpolated points so that the original points will become visible.

I still need to think of a way to calculate the correct thresh value instead of inputing it by hand…

	global roll_Test
	try (destroyDialog roll_Test) catch ()
	rollout roll_Test "Shepard's method test"
	-- Local Structs
		struct s_Points (coord, val)

	-- Local Variable Declerations
		local w = 200
		local h = 100
		local testMap = bitmap w h hdr:true color:red
		local Pts = #()

	-- User Interface
	imgTag imtTest bitmap:testMap align:#center transparent:blue
	spinner spnTrunk "trunk:" range:[0, 1, 0.1] scale:0.1
	spinner spnP "p:" range:[0.01, 100, 3] scale:1
	spinner spnThresh "thresh:" range:[0, 100, 15] scale:1

	-- Functions
		fn getShortestDist Pts x =
			local lastDist = distance Pts[1].coord x
			for i = 2 to Pts.count do (
				local newDist = distance Pts[i].coord x
				if newDist < lastDist then
					lastDist = newDist
		fn testPolate w h Pts p thresh trunk =
			for y = 0 to h - 1 do (
				local colors = #()
				if Pts.count > 0 then (
					for x = 0 to w - 1 do (
						local setColor = color 255 0 0
						local thisCoord = point2 x y
						local val1 = color 0 0 0
						local val2 = 0.0
						local shortestDist = getShortestDist Pts thisCoord
						for i = 1 to Pts.count do (
							local newDist = distance thisCoord Pts[i].coord
							newDist -= shortestDist - thresh
							local wi = 1.0 / (pow newDist p)
							val1 += Pts[i].val * wi 
							val2 += wi
						setColor = val1 / val2
						setColor = (1 - trunk) * setColor + 0.5 * trunk * white
						append colors setColor
					setPixels testMap [0,y] colors
			for i = 1 to pts.count do
				setPixels testMap Pts[i].coord #(Pts[i].val)
			imtTest.bitmap = testMap
		fn redrawMap =
			testPolate w h Pts spnP.value spnThresh.value spnTrunk.value
		fn openDialog =
			createDialog roll_Test width:210

		fn init =

		fn done =
			-- cleanup code
			gc light:true

	-- Event Handlers

		on imtTest lbuttonup pos flags do (
			append Pts (s_Points coord:pos val:white)
		on imtTest rbuttonup pos flags do (
			append Pts (s_Points coord:pos val:black)
		on spnP changed arg do redrawMap()
		on spnThresh changed arg do redrawMap()
		on spnTrunk changed arg do redrawMap()
		on roll_Test open do init()
		on roll_Test close do done()




Fun stuff, Matan!!

I’ll see if I can put my new method into your script! It’s got a couple of parameters that I think would be very interesting to interact with!


Skin Utilities works great, you must just be doing something wrong with it.
Skin Wrap is a bit easier how ever but I have run into the very odd case where it does something strange.

I had some more fun with the ui, don’t know why…
anyhow here it is:

	global roll_Test
	try (destroyDialog roll_Test) catch ()
	rollout roll_Test "Shepard's method test"
	-- Local Structs
		struct s_Points (coord, val)

	-- Local Variable Declerations
		local w = 200
		local h = 100
		local rad = 3
		local testMap = bitmap w h hdr:true color:red
		local Pts = #()

	-- User Interface
	progressBar pbrProg width:w height:10 align:#center
	imgTag imtTest bitmap:testMap align:#center transparent:blue
	button btnClear "Clear" width:w align:#center
	radioButtons rbnMode "" labels:#("Add", "Edit")
	spinner spnTrunk "trunk:" range:[0, 1, 0.3] scale:0.1
	spinner spnP "p:" range:[0.01, 100, 3] scale:1
	spinner spnThresh "thresh:" range:[0, 100, 15] scale:1

	-- Functions
		fn getClosestPt x =
			local lastPoint = Pts[1]
			local lastDist = distance lastPoint.coord x
			for i = 2 to Pts.count do (
				local newDist = distance Pts[i].coord x
				if newDist < lastDist then (
					lastDist = newDist
					lastPoint = Pts[i]
		fn getShortestDist x =
			distance x (getClosestPt x).coord
		fn movePointTo x =
			if Pts.count > 0 then
				(getClosestPt x).coord = x
		fn delPoint x =
			if Pts.count > 0 then
				deleteItem Pts (findItem Pts (getClosestPt x))
		fn setPt Pt rad mark:green =
			for y = amax 0 (Pt.coord.y - rad) to amin (h - 1) (Pt.coord.y + rad) do (
				local colors = #()
				local startPt = undefined
				for x = amax 0 (Pt.coord.x - rad) to amin (w - 1) (Pt.coord.x + rad) do (
					local dist = distance Pt.coord [x,y]
					if dist <= rad then (
						local val = Pt.val
						if dist < rad * 0.4 then
							val = mark
						append colors val
						if startPt == undefined then
							startPt = [x,y]
				if startPt != undefined then
					setPixels testMap startPt colors
		fn testPolate w h Pts p thresh trunk =
			if Pts.count > 0 then (
				pbrProg.value = 0
				for y = 0 to h - 1 do (
					local colors = #()
					for x = 0 to w - 1 do (
						local setColor = color 255 0 0
						local thisCoord = point2 x y
						local val1 = color 0 0 0
						local val2 = 0.0
						local shortestDist = getShortestDist thisCoord
						for i = 1 to Pts.count do (
							local newDist = distance thisCoord Pts[i].coord
							newDist += thresh - shortestDist
							local wi = 1.0 / (pow newDist p)
							val1 += Pts[i].val * wi 
							val2 += wi
						setColor = val1 / val2
						setColor = (1 - trunk) * setColor + 0.5 * trunk * white
						append colors setColor
					setPixels testMap [0,y] colors
					pbrProg.value = 100.0 * y / (h - 1)
			for Pt in Pts do
				setPt Pt rad
			imtTest.bitmap = testMap
		fn redrawMap =
			testPolate w h Pts spnP.value spnThresh.value spnTrunk.value
		fn openDialog =
			createDialog roll_Test width:(w + 10)

		fn init =
			Pts = #()
			testMap = bitmap w h hdr:true color:red
			imtTest.bitmap = testMap

		fn done =
			-- cleanup code
			gc light:true

	-- Event Handlers

		on imtTest lbuttondown pos flags do (
			case rbnMode.state of (
				1: (
					local Pt = s_Points coord:pos val:white
					setPt Pt rad mark:red
					append Pts Pt
				2: setPt (getClosestPt pos) rad mark:red
			imtTest.bitmap = testMap
		on imtTest rbuttondown pos flags do (
			case rbnMode.state of (
				1: (
					local Pt = s_Points coord:pos val:black
					setPt Pt rad mark:red
					append Pts Pt
				2: setPt (getClosestPt pos) rad mark:red
			imtTest.bitmap = testMap
		on imtTest lbuttonup pos flags do (
			case rbnMode.state of (
				1: ()
				2: movePointTo pos
		on imtTest rbuttonup pos flags do (
			case rbnMode.state of (
				1: ()
				2: delPoint pos
		on btnClear pressed do init()
		on spnP changed arg do redrawMap()
		on spnThresh changed arg do redrawMap()
		on spnTrunk changed arg do redrawMap()
		on roll_Test open do init()
		on roll_Test close do done()



now you can edit the points by selecting edit modeand then
left click will mode the closest point to the clicked position
right click will delete the closest point.

I also made the points bigger


Great stuff, Matan. This is really fun to play with

I added a checkbox next to the thresh parameter so that it will be clear how it effects then result.

	global roll_Test
	try (destroyDialog roll_Test) catch ()
	rollout roll_Test "Shepard's method test"
	-- Local Structs
		struct s_Points (coord, val)

	-- Local Variable Declerations
		local w = 200
		local h = 100
		local rad = 3
		local testMap = bitmap w h hdr:true color:red
		local Pts = #()

	-- User Interface
	progressBar pbrProg width:w height:10 align:#center
	imgTag imtTest bitmap:testMap align:#center transparent:blue
	button btnClear "Clear" width:w align:#center
	radioButtons rbnMode "" labels:#("Add", "Edit")
	spinner spnTrunk "trunk:" range:[0, 1, 0.3] scale:0.1
	spinner spnP "p:" range:[0.01, 100, 3] scale:1
	spinner spnThresh "thresh:" range:[0, 100, 40] scale:1
	checkBox cbxUseThresh "" align:#left offset:[0,-22] checked:true

	-- Functions
		fn getClosestPt x =
			local lastPoint = Pts[1]
			local lastDist = distance lastPoint.coord x
			for i = 2 to Pts.count do (
				local newDist = distance Pts[i].coord x
				if newDist < lastDist then (
					lastDist = newDist
					lastPoint = Pts[i]
		fn getShortestDist x =
			distance x (getClosestPt x).coord
		fn movePointTo x =
			if Pts.count > 0 then
				(getClosestPt x).coord = x
		fn delPoint x =
			if Pts.count > 0 then
				deleteItem Pts (findItem Pts (getClosestPt x))
		fn setPt Pt rad mark:green =
			for y = amax 0 (Pt.coord.y - rad) to amin (h - 1) (Pt.coord.y + rad) do (
				local colors = #()
				local startPt = undefined
				for x = amax 0 (Pt.coord.x - rad) to amin (w - 1) (Pt.coord.x + rad) do (
					local dist = distance Pt.coord [x,y]
					if dist <= rad then (
						local val = Pt.val
						if dist < rad * 0.4 then
							val = mark
						append colors val
						if startPt == undefined then
							startPt = [x,y]
				if startPt != undefined then
					setPixels testMap startPt colors
		fn testPolate Pts p thresh trunk =
			if Pts.count == 0 then
				testMap = bitmap w h hdr:true color:red
			else (
				pbrProg.value = 0
				for y = 0 to h - 1 do (
					local colors = #()
					for x = 0 to w - 1 do (
						local setColor = color 255 0 0
						local thisCoord = point2 x y
						local val1 = color 0 0 0
						local val2 = 0.0
						local shortestDist = getShortestDist thisCoord
						for i = 1 to Pts.count do (
							local newDist = distance thisCoord Pts[i].coord
							if cbxUseThresh.checked then
								newDist += thresh - shortestDist
							local wi = 1.0 / (pow newDist p)
							val1 += Pts[i].val * wi 
							val2 += wi
						setColor = val1 / val2
						setColor = (1 - trunk) * setColor + 0.5 * trunk * white
						append colors setColor
					setPixels testMap [0,y] colors
					pbrProg.value = 100.0 * y / (h - 1)
				for Pt in Pts do
					setPt Pt rad
			imtTest.bitmap = testMap
		fn redrawMap =
			testPolate Pts spnP.value spnThresh.value spnTrunk.value
		fn openDialog =
			createDialog roll_Test width:(w + 10)

		fn init =
			Pts = #()

		fn done =
			-- cleanup code
			gc light:true

	-- Event Handlers

		on imtTest lbuttondown pos flags do (
			case rbnMode.state of (
				1: (
					local Pt = s_Points coord:pos val:white
					setPt Pt rad mark:red
					append Pts Pt
				2: (
					if Pts.count > 0 then
						setPt (getClosestPt pos) rad mark:red
			imtTest.bitmap = testMap
		on imtTest rbuttondown pos flags do (
			case rbnMode.state of (
				1: (
					local Pt = s_Points coord:pos val:black
					setPt Pt rad mark:red
					append Pts Pt
				2: (
					if Pts.count > 0 then
						setPt (getClosestPt pos) rad mark:red
			imtTest.bitmap = testMap
		on imtTest lbuttonup pos flags do (
			case rbnMode.state of (
				1: ()
				2: movePointTo pos
		on imtTest rbuttonup pos flags do (
			case rbnMode.state of (
				1: ()
				2: delPoint pos
		on btnClear pressed do init()
		on spnP changed arg do redrawMap()
		on spnThresh changed arg do redrawMap()
		on spnTrunk changed arg do redrawMap()
		on cbxUseThresh changed arg do redrawMap()
		on roll_Test open do init()
		on roll_Test close do done()



what the”Shepards method” is? can anyone give me a link to the method’s math explanation?

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