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[Closed] Material plugin questions

Hey guys,
I started a new material plugin that extends the standard material. I added a few things and took away a lot of others to make it easier and more simplistic for my needs. But I ran into a few problems I could really use help with,
1.In the slate editor how can I change the names of the map node to be something like “Diffuse Map” instead of my variable name difMap?
2.How do I change the material name type to be “New Material” instead of newMat?
3.Why is there a weird space after my check boxes? How can I get rid of it?
4.How do I work with the UI events, like when checking a check box or using the map button? I tried it a few times in a few different places of my code but couldn’t get it to work.

plugin material NewMat
name:"New Material"
extends:Standard replaceUI:true version:1
  parameters main rollout:matParams
	emiCol type:#color default:black ui:emiCol
	difcol type:#color default:gray ui:difCol
        glossSpn type:#float default:40 ui:glossSpn
        opacitySpn type:#float default:100 ui:opacitySpn
	metallicChk type:#boolean default:False ui:metallicChk
	stencilChk type:#boolean default:False ui:stencilChk
	nameChk type:#boolean default:False ui:NameChk
	nameTxt type:#string ui:nameTxt
	on difCol set val do delegate.diffuse_color = val
	on emiCol set val do delegate.ambient_color = val
        on opacitySpn set val do delegate.opacity = val
        on glossSpn set val do delegate.glossiness = val
	on nameChk changed state do
		print "NameChk Used"
		nameTxt.enable = state
   parameters main rollout:mapParams
	difMapChk type:#boolean default:False ui:difMapChk
	difMap type:#texturemap ui:difMap
	nrmMapChk type:#boolean default:False ui:nrmMapChk
	nrmMap type:#texturemap ui:nrmMap
	glsMapChk type:#boolean default:False ui:glsMapChk
	glsMap type:#texturemap ui:glsMap
	opcMapChk type:#boolean default:False ui:opcMapChk
	opcMap type:#texturemap ui:opcMap
	emiMapChk type:#boolean default:False ui:emiMapChk
	emiMap type:#texturemap ui:emiMap
	on difMapChk set val do delegate.diffuseMapEnable = val
	on nrmMapChk set val do delegate.bumpMapEnable = val
	on glsMapChk set val do delegate.glossinessMapEnable = val
	on opcMapChk set val do delegate.opacityMapEnable = val
	on emiMapChk set val do delegate.ambientMapEnable = val
	on difMap set val do delegate.diffuseMap = val
 	on nrmMap set val do delegate.bumpMap = val
	on glsMap set val do delegate.glossinessMap = val
	on opcMap set val do delegate.opacityMap = val
	on emiMap set val do delegate.ambientMap = val
  rollout matParams "Parameters"
	colorpicker difCol "Diffuse: " fieldwidth:50 across:3 align:#left offset:[6,10]
	mapButton difMapUpper "" tooltip:"Select Diffuse Map" width:17.5 height:17.5 offset:[-30,12.5]
	spinner glossSpn "Glossiness: " fieldwidth:45 align:#right offset:[-20,10]
	colorpicker emiCol "Emissive: " fieldwidth:50 across:3 align:#left offset:[0,0]
	mapButton emiMapUpper "" tooltip:"Select Emissive Map" width:17.5 height:17.5 offset:[-30,2.5]
        spinner opacitySpn "Opacity: " fieldwidth:45 align:#right offset:[-20,-5]
	label metallicLbl "Metallic" across:4 align:#right offset:[145,-10]
	checkbox metallicChk align:#right offset:[95,-10]
	label stencilLbl "Stencil" align:#right offset:[45,-10]
	checkbox stencilChk align:#right offset:[-5,-10]
	checkbox nameChk across:2 align:#left offset:[0,10]
	editText nameTxt "Name:" align:#left fieldWidth:225 height:15 offset:[-130,10]
	groupBox swatches "" pos:[5,5] width:165 height:75
	groupBox values "" pos:[175,5] width:165 height:75
   rollout mapParams "Maps"
	checkbox difMapChk "Diffuse Map... " across:2 alight:#left
	mapButton difMap "" tooltip:"Select Diffuse Map" width:150
	checkbox nrmMapChk "Normal Map... " across:2 alight:#left
	mapButton nrmMap "" tooltip:"Select Normal Map" width:150
	checkbox glsMapChk "Gloss Map... " across:2 alight:#left
	mapButton glsMap "" tooltip:"Select Gloss Map" width:150
	checkbox opcMapChk "Opacity Map... " across:2 alight:#left
	mapButton opcMap "" tooltip:"Select Opacity Map" width:150
	checkbox emiMapChk "Emissive Map... " across:2 alight:#left
	mapButton emiMap "" tooltip:"Select Emissive Map" width:150
	on difMap picked texmap do
 		print "Difmap Used"
 		difMap.text=classof texmap as string

  on create do
    -- setup initial material

Thanks in advance!

3 Replies

1.- mapButton difMapUpper “Diffuse Map” tooltip:“Select Diffuse Map” width:17.5 height:17.5 offset:[-30,12.5]
2.- plugin material D3MIG0D_Material (for example)
3.- use offset:[-xxx,0] in the buttons and checkers definition (but I don’t know what you mean with the ‘weird spaces’)
4.- Inside the rollouts definitions, use event handlers as ‘on difMapChk changed val do’

Thanks for the response.
I’m not sure if I’m using the wrong terminology here so to clarify I highlighted the things I’m talking about in the image:

1.This is the node name I was talking about. It seems to change when I change the name of the difMap variable, but as its a name I couldn’t name it something like “Diffuse Map” as that’s not a viable variable name. So my question is how can I change the name that displays on the node?

  1. This is the Material name I was talking about. I tried New_Mat as you suggested but that just results with it display “New_Mat” and not the “New Mat” with the space I am looking for. How can I change the name that displays here?

  2. I drew arrows showing the weird spaced I was talking about. It seems like the checkbox has a grey spacing around it that overlaps my labels like “Name” and “Stencil.” As you can see from those labels, there is a gray box cutting off some of the text. Is this something I have to deal with by just spacing the checkbox more? Or is this some issue of defining a width? Or something else I’m missing?

4.I managed to get the event handlers working for the checkbox but I’m having problems with the map button. In the code I posted earlier I have the “on DifMap picked texmap do”
commented out because it wasn’t working. But from what I understand about the check box handler, shouldn’t this work? It doesn’t run into any errors it just skips right over it. What am I doing wrong?


Anyone have any thoughts? Or am I being unclear or wrong about something? Or am I going about this plugin the wrong way?