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[Closed] material on particles

How do i script the material on the particles

I give it a shape but it doesn’t copy the shape material


on ChannelsUsed pCont do
	pCont.useAge = true
	pCont.useTM = true
	pCont.useShape = true

on Init pCont do
	global Meshes = $Box_Parts* as array

on Proceed pCont do
	t = pCont.getTimeStart() as float
	if t == 0 do
		CountMeshes = Meshes .count
		for i = 1 to CountMeshes do
			pCont.particleIndex = pCont.NumParticles()
			pCont.particleAge = 0
			pCont.particleTM = Meshes [i].transform
			pCont.particleShape = Meshes [i].mesh
on Release pCont do

1 Reply

nvm found it stupid me material static operator