[Closed] matchpattern help
I have a edittext in the rollout named modname and i want to match the pattern name of the modifier in the objects scene and delete it. For example, if i want to delete the “UV as HSL Gradient With Midpoint” modifier (which has a loooonng name) i have to write the whole name as it is (case sensitive). So i am trying to just write the first letters to match the modifier name and delete it.
Let’s say if i will write down in the edittext just “uv as”, i assume the script will find the modifier name and delete it.
This code works fine if i’ll write the entire modifier name (case sensitive on):
for o in objects do for m = o.modifiers.count to 1 by -1 where o.modifiers[m].name == (modname.text as string) do deleteModifier o m
This is what i am trying to achieve but not working:
on del click do
local txt = (modname.text as string)
local pattern = txt
for o in objects do for m = o.modifiers.count to 1 by -1 where o.modifiers[m].name == (matchpattern txt pattern:(pattern) ignoreCase:false) do deleteModifier o m
-- print pattern
Can someone help me on this to understand what i am doing wrong?
Note that you are also defining the pattern same as the input string, so it will always match.
try destroydialog ::RO_DELETE_MODIFIERS catch()
rollout RO_DELETE_MODIFIERS "" width:192 height:96
editText edt_pattern "Name:" pos:[8, 8] width:176
checkbox chk_case "Case Sensitive" pos:[8,32] width:176
button bt_delete "Find & Delete Modifiers" pos:[8,56] width:176 height:32
input str = "UV as HSL Gradient With Midpoint"
Pattern Examples:
"uv as*"
on bt_delete pressed do
pattern = edt_pattern.text
ignoreCase = not chk_case.checked
undo "Delete Modifiers" on
for j in objects do
for k = j.modifiers.count to 1 by -1 do
if matchpattern j.modifiers[k].name pattern:pattern ignoreCase:ignoreCase do
deletemodifier j j.modifiers[k]
Thank you, PolyTools!
I did a small modification for the pattern variable.
pattern = edt_pattern.text + "*"
For instance of you have TurboSmooth as modifier you can type just “tur” and delete it.
I just did it more generic, so you could use any pattern. But in your case you will use it in a specific way, so what you did is correct.
Yap. I replied because i was thinking it will help someone who is interested about this.
Thank you again PolyTools.
I will post here the complete script for those who are interested.
The script will delete modifiers based on the option that user will selected:
- from all objects present in scene. [mass]
- from selection.
Just type the first letters of the modifier name you want to delete. Eg. “at” for “Attribute Holder”
try destroydialog ::RO_DELETE_MODIFIERS catch()
rollout RO_DELETE_MODIFIERS "" width:192 height:96
editText edt_pattern "Name:" pos:[8, 8] width:176
radiobuttons rbt_option labels:#("scene","selection") pos:[8,32] width:176
button bt_delete "Find & Delete Modifiers" pos:[8,56] width:176 height:32
Fn delMod option= (
pattern = edt_pattern.text + "*"
undo "Delete Modifiers" on (
for o in option do for m = o.modifiers.count to 1 by -1 do
(if matchpattern o.modifiers[m].name pattern:pattern ignoreCase:true do deletemodifier o o.modifiers[m])
edt_pattern.text = ""
on bt_delete pressed do (
case rbt_option.state of (
1: delMod objects
2: delMod selection
there is alternative way to delete modifiers:
-- by class type
while (m = $.modifiers[skin]) != undefined do deletemodifier $ m
-- by name
while (m = $.modifiers[#skin]) != undefined do deletemodifier $ m
while (m = $.modifiers["skin"]) != undefined do deletemodifier $ m