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[Closed] mass UVW mapper need help

I’m working on a script that is meant to search an find geometry that is missing UVW mapping coordinates, then give the option to select the geometry and isolate the selection. Then follow up by allowing the user to apply a “UWV map” to all the objects individually automatically.

I have worked out and finished everything up to the point of the selection and isolation. The area I’m having issues with is pulling the name of the objects out of an array name “missingUV” and selecting the objects

missing UV contains only the object names withough any other data accosiated with the objects

Can anyone help?

on isolate_btn pressed do (
for i = 1 to missinguv.count do (
	selectmore $+missingUV[i]

1 Reply

Ok so I figured it out after taking a 5 minute break and working on anther part of the script, here is the fixed potion of script

on isolate_btn pressed do (
for i = 1 to missinguv.count do (
	selectmore (getnodebyname missingUV[i])