[Closed] manipulating Lookat_Constraint with MaxScript?
Hello, I am trying to create a helper object which, when generated, is automatically set up to look at a specified target. I have it working as far as that, but the axis is not what I want it to be… I need to set up the Lookat Axis and Upnode Axis both to Z. I have looked through the documentation, and done as I thought it was described, but it did not work. Could someone tell me what the MaxScript commands are for adjusting the axes of a LookAt controller?
Look at what the listener is outputing when you do it manualy, it might be that you need to supply a couple of commands.
djlane, thanks… I had somehow turned off the MacroRecorder! I know it doesn’t always show everything, and I thought this was one of those cases, and then I realized it wasn’t showing anything at all! So I turned it back on. I have no idea how it got turned off in the first place…
I feel a bit silly 9_9