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[Closed] manage modifier point cache script

I have a scene with hundred of animated objects with their
respective .xml file.
So i am looking for a script to manage the Point Cache modifier.
(apply the modifier , update the cache and recording point cache file to multiple objects)

Is this script exist ?



6 Replies

Have you checked script spot, I think that there was one there. I wrote one but as many of my scripts go it was never a 100% completed so the user interface is almost non existent. next time that I need it in production I might get around to completing it. Don’t ask when that will be how ever.

Aearon released a Point Caché Manager he did some time ago.

This tool is for mass-recording and loading pointcache files.
It’s still max8 only, maybe if i find the time i will make a max 9 version which should be fairly easy.

Maybe it works for you. Look for it at

That’s what i need.
But Is your script only working with Pointcache2 from John Burnett ?
Because of the pipeline here, I have to use the max pointcache modifier.


Sorry, dude, but I don’t know how it works since it’s not mine. But for sure you (or someone close to you) can modify it so it works with MAX Point Cache…

ok , i will have to look inside it



Hi, I just noticed you were looking for a pointcache management script.
Here’s a link to one that I wrote. r” rel=”nofollow noopener”>

The Mass-repathing stuff is made to work with PC2 files as I started it before XML came along. But all the other options will work with any pointcache format.

Also, here is my pointcache Graph tools script that will let you do a bunch of things en massse to the playback graphs of pointcaches. I wrote this as a replacement for when I’d want to use animated meshes in Pflow cause of how slow Pflow is to handle stuff like that.