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[Closed] Make particle view event unrenderable?

I want to make an arbitrary event in particle view un-renderable.
To do so, I right-click the event, then check ‘renderable’ to off…
…but the macro recorder returns a blank line when I do so.
How would I do this with maxscript?

local myTestEvent = Event()

Trying this syntax doesn’t work:
myTestEvent.renderable = off

Shouldn’t this event inherit a renderable property from node?
Value > MaxWrapper > Node > Helper


2 Replies

   theEvent = $Event_01
   theEvent.renderable = false

You need the Event name.

Event() only creates a new event, in which you need to call it by name or node or whatever to access it properties.

You can for instance:

   Event name:"myNewEvent"
   theNewEvent = $myNewEvent
   theNewEvent.renderable = false

or more condensed:

   theNewEvent = Event name:"myNewEvent" renderable:false

EDIT:I should also say read the section in the mxs help about creating new events. This stuff can be quirky.

Ah, that makes sense. Thanks JohnnyRandom!