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[Closed] make a building from botton to up

hi all
i have a big building to animate.its like a big super market.7 floors.have some big glossy windows and …
the animate a about making up the building from bottom to going to take apart the whole building in small parts and animate each part with rounding 180 degree from down to up.when the bottom parts are turning the above parts are hide.
because there is too many parts to animate i need a script or some plugin to make it otherwise it will take to many time to animate.its my base idia to make it
any one can help ?
ill be to hear ur idias too:D
so tnx

2 Replies

Can you show us an image of your model?

Ive done something like this using particle flow. Theres a pflow birth script that will takes all your geometry pieces and turn them into 1 particle per piece. You can then animate the particles however you can. Might have to render the animation and reverse in post though.