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[Closed] Major slowness in Max 2012 with Unwrap editor,


This script runs almost instantly in 2010, in 2012, it tanks the whole system. :surprised

   	local aBox = box pos:[0,0,0] wirecolor:green
   	addModifier aBox (Unwrap_UVW ()) ui:on
   	modPanel.setCurrentObject aBox.modifiers[#Unwrap_UVW]
   	convertToPoly aBox
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I tested this script in 2011 and 2012. And 2012 runs it a LOT faster than 2011 does (on my machine)! About 5x times faster.

Nvidia 250GTS

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For me, this new crap release was trying to open the uv editor for 20 seconds, and then, the UV modifier was deleted. Cool, uh?

Also, closing the UV editor takes about 15-20 seconds always

Yeah… they royally f***ed perf with the UV window in 2012 :(. I was happy about the new UV Tools, but the perf is so bad sometimes, you can’t even use them anyways.

I also had glitches like my marque dots disappearing in the viewport, lag when creating objects, weird frensel stuff with realistic mode on, DAE import from older versions of max crashes it instantly.

Others reported very slow perf when doing animation or using certain helpers and whatnot.

I also found an issue where if you symmetry a mesh, then mirror it, you’re mesh gets jacked up

I tested your code on my machine. It ran instantly.
My system is old Q9550 / 9600GT / XP64.

Worked for me as well Max 2012
i5 4gb ram and geforce gt320m


That machine I tested it on was an i7 machine w/ Windows 7 64-bit.

More UV Editor reports,

The question I would ask are:
What graphics drivers are you running?
What display driver are you using in 3ds Max?
If you do it manually is it faster, slower, the same?
And is the bottleneck really the unwrap editor, or is it the going from unwrap to viewport?

If you can identify the exact cause I would report it once 2012 goes live as a defect report option. However, as pointed out here this doesn’t apply to all users so may be harder to reproduce without exact steps, and/or cause.



Yes, I noticed it working with it manually, so I just put it in script form to repro it quickly.

Others have posted it on Polycount, Autodesk Area, etc. so it’s not hard to spot it’s a common issue.

So you could create a box, put the Unwrap UVW modifier on it, open the Edit window, then close, notice the system basically freezing for 3-5 seconds.

BTW, card was an Ati 5600ish or so.

I do have older drivers for my card, so that might be why. But I’m running older ones, since Nvidia doesn’t really support my card anymore/update it (GTX260). But I could give it a shot I guess.

I will probably upgrade my graphics card though sometime soon I think. I would like to have a DX11 card to mess with UDK and other games and to prepare for the future.


I’m not quite sure the answer is “update your drivers” when people with Nvidia and Ati cards are having these issues,–3ds-max-design-2012/bug-report-uvw-unwrap-laggy-window/

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Or that could mean that they are all running older drivers from both manufacturers that lack optimization/updates needed to play nice. Since there are users saying they have no issue, then it comes down to something specific to the machines of those having issues. This would point to drivers, or the health of the hardware, versus something specific to Autodesk.

Also, this probably shouldn’t be posted here as it isn’t the script causing the problem, it is the hardware configurations.


Ah… ya… nm then… damnit

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