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[Closed] macroscript… isVisible not working

ok so i keep having this problem with macroscripts in quad menu…

so here’s one macroscript…

macroScript MePoly
--tooltip:"Convert selection to Editable Poly."
	on isVisible do (try( Return ( and RappaTools.poly.enabled) )Catch(false))
	on isEnabled do (try( Return ( and RappaTools.poly.enabled) )Catch(false))

	on execute do RappaTools.poly.pressed()

when i open 3ds max ( vs 2011 32/64 | vs 9 ) the quad menu does not update if i open rappatools… if i run the macroscript again it works perfectly…

tried many many ways but still can’t make it work right… how can i make it work right !?

2 Replies

Scope of variables :o)
If the RappaTools variable is declared as global AFTER the MacroScript is evaluated, the MacroScript will have created a local variable with that name already and won’t see the real one.

As usual, there are two possible solutions:

  1. Declare RappaTools as global in the beginning of the MacroScript.
  2. Use double-colon :: in front of RappaTools calls to force global scope.

In other words, either do this:

macroScript MePoly category:"RappaTools" buttonText:"MePoly"
	global RappaTools
	on isVisible return and RappaTools.poly.enabled
	on isEnabled return and RappaTools.poly.enabled
	on execute do RappaTools.poly.pressed()

or this

macroScript MePoly category:"RappaTools" buttonText:"MePoly"
	on isVisible return and ::RappaTools.poly.enabled
	on isEnabled return and ::RappaTools.poly.enabled
	on execute do ::RappaTools.poly.pressed()

awesome , thanks Bobo it works