[Closed] Looking for plugin developer with access to 3ds Max 7 SDK
I posted about this on Polycount, but someone suggested I should post about it here as this forum has a specific forum for 3ds max coding.
There’s a game engine (the Cyanworlds.com Engine, used to make Myst Online: Uru Live) that was made open source by it’s developers last week (you may have read about it on Rock Paper Shotgun, to give one gaming blog that covered it). Theres a great deal of work being done on the engine, but the way content is created for the engine is via a 3ds Max plugin that was written for Max 7. Max 7 (and Max 8, which the plugin also works with) is ancient, and nobody has legal access to the SDK for that version any more over there.
I was hoping that a plugin developer might be able to help us both in getting a build of the plugin up and running, and possibly helping to port the code over to modern versions of Max.
Thanks for reading. There are more details over @ www.openuru.org for those interested in helping.
- Huw Dawson
I’ll take a look and see if I can help out.
I’ve done quite a lot of this, so hopefully it shouldn’t be a problem.
Excellent! I was hoping that there would be people who could help with this.
I’m working with Huw on the same project, I’d like to offer any assistance I can–I’ve got experience with 3DS Max, the SDK (a bit) and plenty of coding experience.
Right, I just downloaded the code and took a quick look.
Without making any code changes, I let Visual Studio try to compile the Max bits, and ended up with 753 errors and 1035 warnings, all of which need to be sorted out before it’ll work…
It looks like it’s going to be quite a long job, so I’ll put it on hold until I’ve got some spare time.
We’ve got other developers who are looking at many of the non-Max SDK related warnings and errors. Would it be alright if we asked questions about Max specific linking/compile issues once the sheer number of compile issues is whittled down a bit? Resolving 700+ Errors is a lot to ask of someone.
Hi again everyone,
A fork of the code has actually been doing work on the plugin over the last couple of days. It’s been ported to CMake, and actually got at least building for Max 2011.
One of the major issues is that one segment of the plugin, dealing with asset management between client computers and central asset control, was not included in the open source release. Another issue lies in redundant scene viewing code (which never worked, according to the developers) still remaining in the plugin. I’m not a coder, but I believe the approach to both problems was liberal use of commenting!
The repository for that code is at https://github.com/H-uru/Plasma/tree/maxfixups .
Thanks for your time.
Huw Dawson
Looks like the devs for that fork reincorporated the fixes into their main repo. – https://github.com/H-uru/Plasma