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[Closed] lookat script for only one axis

Cheers Paul for the reply. I might be doing something wrong or different to you cause I can’t get your coded solution to work.

Dennis, that looks like exactly what I need. I’ll see if I can turn that into a transform script.
When you say steering is a bit more complicated than just pointing 2 wheels at a future position, were you talking about the Ackermann angle? If so, I’m going to solve this in the auto steering by adding a lookat for each wheel seperately. And with the manual control switch I’m going to figure how to implement a proper Ackermann-type control.

Thanks to all that replied, I’ve learned a lot from you and really appreciate it.


Yes. the Ackermann angle is the first thing. The second is the roll center, and the third is the castor angle. But the most important thing is that wheels never look at a destination point, they follow the radius of turning circle.

The Castor Angle visually doesn’t make a big difference, and I would neglect this value.

Awesome. Thanks.

I wasn’t able to load the original .max file (wrong version?) but here is a remix of Denis’ code tweaked into a rotation_script.

The wheels stay aligned even if the car is tumbling which I think is what you are after.

with undo off 
	delete objects
	fn makeWheel name: pos: wirecolor: = 
		w = cylinder name:name sides:24 segments:1 radius:5 height:3 pos:pos wirecolor:wirecolor
		w.objectOffsetRot = eulerangles 0 90 0
		CenterObject w
	body = box name:"Car_Body" width:20 length:40 height:5 pos:[0,0,11] isselected:on wirecolor:blue 
	body.pivot = [0,0,0]
	local w1,w2,w3,w4
	in body
		w1 = makeWheel name:"LF_weel" pos:[-10,15,5] wirecolor:orange
		w2 = makeWheel name:"RF_weel" pos:[10,15,5] wirecolor:orange
		w3 = makeWheel name:"LB_weel" pos:[-10,-15,5] wirecolor:brown
		w4 = makeWheel name:"RB_weel" pos:[10,-15,5] wirecolor:brown
		look = point name:"Dir_Dummy" size:10 axistripod:on box:on pos:[0,15,5] wirecolor:yellow			
		target = dummy name:"LookAt_Target" boxsize:[4,4,4] pos:[0,100,0]
	orient_script = rotation_script()
	orient_script.AddNode "lookAt" $LookAt_Target
	orient_script.AddNode "lookFrom" $Dir_Dummy
	orient_script.AddNode "referenceFrame" $Car_Body
	orient_script.SetExpression (
					"v = (lookAt.position - lookFrom.position) * (inverse referenceFrame.Transform)
" + 
					"ang = atan(v.y/v.x)
" +
					"ang += if v.x < 0 then 90 else -90
" +
					"((rotateZMatrix ang) as quat) 
	w1.rotation.controller = w2.rotation.controller = orient_script									

here is a little tweaked version of biddle:

with undo off 
	delete objects
	fn makeWheel name: pos: wirecolor: = 
		w = cylinder name:name sides:24 segments:1 radius:5 height:3 pos:pos wirecolor:wirecolor
		w.objectOffsetRot = eulerangles 0 90 0
		CenterObject w
	local body, look, target
	body = box name:"Car_Body" width:20 length:40 height:5 pos:[0,0,11] isselected:on wirecolor:blue 
	body.pivot = [0,0,0]
	local w1,w2,w3,w4
	in body
		w1 = makeWheel name:"LF_weel" pos:[-10,15,5] wirecolor:orange
		w2 = makeWheel name:"RF_weel" pos:[10,15,5] wirecolor:orange
		w3 = makeWheel name:"LB_weel" pos:[-10,-15,5] wirecolor:brown
		w4 = makeWheel name:"RB_weel" pos:[10,-15,5] wirecolor:brown
		look = point name:"Dir_Dummy" size:10 axistripod:on box:on pos:[0,15,5] wirecolor:yellow			
-- it shouldn't be a child of the car body 
	target = dummy name:"LookAt_Target" boxsize:[4,4,4] pos:[0,100,0]
	orient_script = rotation_script()
	orient_script.AddNode "lookAt" target
	orient_script.AddNode "lookFrom" look
	orient_script.AddNode "referenceFrame" body
	orient_script.SetExpression (
		"v = lookAt.pos*(inverse (translate (referenceFrame.transform.rotation as matrix3) lookFrom.pos))
" + 
		"ang = atan (v.y/v.x)
" +
		"ang += if v.x < 0 then 90 else -90
" +
		"((rotateZMatrix ang) as quat)
	w1.rotation.controller = w2.rotation.controller = orient_script									

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