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[Closed] lookat constraint with path constraint

Hello again,

I have the following code:

 	delete $*_Clone_*
 	theSource = cylinder radius:1 height:15 sides:18 pos:[90, -90, 0] wirecolor:[255, 0, 0]
 	theMesh = snapshotAsMesh (plane width:100 length:100 widthsegs:5 lengthsegs:5 wirecolor:[0, 255, 0])
 	theAttractor = Sphere radius:3.5 wirecolor:[0, 0, 255] pos:[0, 0, 50]
 	vecLength = 5.0; theWeight = 200.0
 	undo off
 		for v = 1 to theMesh.numverts by 1 do
 			newObj = instance theSource = uniquename ( +"_Clone_")
 			theNormal = (getNormal theMesh v)
 			theX = normalize (cross theNormal theSource.dir)
 			theY = normalize (cross theNormal theX)
 			newObj.transform = matrix3 theX theY theNormal (getVert theMesh v)
 			theConstraintParam = LookAt_Constraint lookat_vector_length:vecLength pickUpNode: theAttractor upnode_world:false relative:false
 			theConstraintParam.target_axis = 2
 			theConstraintParam.upnode_axis = 0
 			theConstraintParam.StoUP_axis  = 2
 			theConstraintParam.appendTarget theAttractor1 theWeight
 			newObj.rotation.controller = theConstraintParam

It populates a plane’s surface (on every vertex) with a series of instances of a custom object (a cylinder). Then it applies a lookatconstraint so that each object’s rotation is constained according to an attractors position (in this case the attractor is a sphere).
The code works fine. Then I wanted to add a path constraint modifier to the sphere so that I could animate the position of the sphere more interactively and have the cylinders rotate accordingly. But once I create a custom spline/path, and add a path constraint modifier to the sphere, the previous dependency (created because of the lookatconstraint) between the sphere, and the cylinder’s rotation, is lost. How can I preserve this dependency ?

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what is the Path Constraint Modifier?
probably we talk about controller
and it works fine for me

 	 delete objects
 	 theSource = createinstance cylinder radius:1 height:15 sides:18 wirecolor:[255, 0, 0]
 	 theMesh = snapshotAsMesh (plane width:100 length:100 widthsegs:5 lengthsegs:5 wirecolor:[0, 255, 0])
 	 theAttractor = Sphere radius:3.5 wirecolor:[0, 0, 255] pos:[0, 0, 50]
 	spline = circle radius:40 pos:theAttractor.pos wirecolor:red
 	 vecLength = 5.0; theWeight = 200.0
 	for v = 1 to theMesh.numverts by 1 do
 		newObj = cylinder baseobject:theSource = uniquename "Chilinder_Clone_"
 		theNormal = (getNormal theMesh v)
 		theX = normalize (cross theNormal newObj.dir)
 		theY = normalize (cross theNormal theX)
 		newObj.transform = matrix3 theX theY theNormal (getVert theMesh v)
 		theConstraintParam = LookAt_Constraint lookat_vector_length:vecLength pickUpNode:theAttractor upnode_world:false relative:false
 		theConstraintParam.target_axis = 2
 		theConstraintParam.upnode_axis = 0
 		theConstraintParam.StoUP_axis  = 2
 		theConstraintParam.appendTarget theAttractor theWeight
 		newObj.rotation.controller = theConstraintParam
 	theAttractor.pos.controller = path path:spline

oh i’m sorry. I actually meant Path deform modifier !
Well yes, that is exactly what I wanted. As for me, I first run the code, then, I created a spline, and then I applied a pathDeform modifier to the attractor/sphere in order to do, what you just did with a single line of code. As a result, the previous dependency created by the code, was lost. For some reason, the cylinders ignored the existence of the sphere once I applied the modifier to the sphere. Why is that ?

it’s probably wrong using of things.
path deform modifier doesn’t change node’s transform, it changes node’s object (by moving its vertices)

	  delete objects
	  theSource = createinstance cylinder radius:1 height:15 sides:18 wirecolor:[255, 0, 0]
	  theMesh = snapshotAsMesh (plane width:100 length:100 widthsegs:5 lengthsegs:5 wirecolor:[0, 255, 0])
	  theAttractor = Sphere radius:3.5 wirecolor:[0, 0, 255] pos:[0, 0, 50]
	 spline = circle radius:40 pos:theAttractor.pos wirecolor:red
	  vecLength = 5.0; theWeight = 200.0
	 for v = 1 to theMesh.numverts by 1 do
		 newObj = cylinder baseobject:theSource = uniquename "Chilinder_Clone_"
		 theNormal = (getNormal theMesh v)
		 theX = normalize (cross theNormal newObj.dir)
		 theY = normalize (cross theNormal theX)
		 newObj.transform = matrix3 theX theY theNormal (getVert theMesh v)
		 theConstraintParam = LookAt_Constraint lookat_vector_length:vecLength pickUpNode:theAttractor upnode_world:false relative:false
		 theConstraintParam.target_axis = 2
		 theConstraintParam.upnode_axis = 0
		 theConstraintParam.StoUP_axis  = 2
		 theConstraintParam.appendTarget theAttractor theWeight
		 newObj.rotation.controller = theConstraintParam
	 addmodifier theAttractor (PathDeform path:spline axis:1)
	 theAttractor.pos.controller = path path:spline

probably you can animate vertices and use Point Master controller, but… there has to be a reason to complicate the rig

I think for my case there is no reason. The position controller is the best choice.
So, with lookatconstraint a transform dependency is established between two nodes. But pathDeform does not affect a node’s transform, thus the dependent nodes will not detect any change in order to act accordingly, right ?

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the modifier should not change a node’s transform… that’s why you can do both animate and modify objects.
so no transform change – no transform change notification message – no lookat controller reaction.

Yeap, got it ! Thank you very much denisT.