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[Closed] locking controller is slow?

So i’m trying to lock position controllers on some selected object

ar1 = selection as array
for i=1 to ar1.count do
	lockedTracksMan.setLocks true #(ar1[i][3][1]) #(ar1[i][3]) #(1) true

but it’s very slow (like 1 second per object), even for one object. Any tricks or alternatives to speed it up?

If the material editor is open it’s slow, but if it’s closed the speed is fine. any ideas why?

3 Replies

have you tried turning off redraw?

Hey Matt,
Yes tried undo off(), with redraw off() and suspendEditing which:#all.
It works fine when the mat editor is closed but super slow when the mat editor window is open.

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i can confirm this issue. (max 2012/64). I’ve tried to disable the Material Editor window redraw. The same problem…