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[Closed] LoadSaveAnimation script


I’m getting back a ‘false’ status for loading anim file using loadsaveanimation and I can’t determine why it’s failing to load.

 nodeTab = $
 userAtr = #("")
 userVal = #("")
test = LoadSaveAnimation.saveAnimation sExportName &nodeTab &userAtr 
&userVal animatedTracks:true includeConstraints:false
 print test

returns ‘true’

 nodeTab = $
 test = LoadSaveAnimation.loadAnimation sImportName &nodeTab
 print test

returns ‘false’

The items I have selected are exactly the same in both cases.
Any ideas?

I manually saved the selected nodes, then used the scripted load process and that Worked.
So that narrows it down to the something in the Save process is causing the Error.

1 Reply

ok, nvm, figured it out.

userAtr = #()
userVal = #()

resolved the issue.