[Closed] loadsaveAnimation failure with certain classes
Hi there,
I am working with LoadSaveAnimation.saveAnimation and sometimes it returns false, meaning that it failed to create a file to save the selected animations.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t tell me why. I read the manual of Maxscript and also of the SDK, but there are no examples about why it could fail (obvious reasons aside, like no write permissions on disc and so on…).
I discovered that it fails when I try to save an Animation of a Point_Helper, an Editable_Mesh and an Editable_Poly. (Why would I do that? -> I just selected stuff by name and there appeared some meshes, polys and Point_Helpers as well).
Is there anything that those classes have in common? Are there any other classes that could make the saveAnimation fail?
Any hints are appreciated!
(I am a programmer, not an artist, I have almost zero knowledge about modelling and working with 3ds max).
Kind regards,
That was a great hint, I don’t know why i didn’t try this earlier. :rolleyes:
Apparently, it has nothing to with the classes, but with the names. There are duplicates which are not allowed.
I think my problem is solved! Thank you very much!