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[Closed] Load Animation with a Spinner
Feb 08, 2014 6:21 pm
Hi everyone,
I’m trying to load an animation with one Spinner attribute that I have, so I wrote the code for it and works good.
There is a problem though, that when I animate the Spinner nothing happens in viewport, only it works when I change the spinner value myself (I mean using mouse and changing the value). The Spinner gets updated as timeslider moves, but nothing happens in viewport.
Here is the code:
animTriggerAT = attributes animTrigger(
parameters triggerParams rollout:triggerRoll(
refObjList type:#MaxObjectTab tabSize:0 tabSizeVariable:true
trgObjList type:#MaxObjectTab tabSize:0 tabSizeVariable:true
rootObjList type:#MaxObjectTab tabSize:0 tabSizeVariable:true
triggerSpinnerSp type:#integer animatable:true ui:triggerSpinner
rollout triggerRoll "Drone Trigger" width:162 height:300(
spinner triggerSpinner "Trigger" range:[0,200,0] type:#integer width:128 height:16
fn calcTM val = (
for i = 1 to trgObjList.count do(
with animate off(
if refObjList[i].node.parent != undefined then(
trgObjList[i].node.transform = (at time val (refObjList[i].node.transform * inverse refObjList[i].node.parent.transform * refObjList[i].node.parent.transform)) * rootObjList[1].node.transform
trgObjList[i].node.transform = (at time val (refObjList[i].node.transform)) * rootObjList[1].node.transform
on triggerSpinner changed val do(
calcTM val
custattributes.add $CTRL_Drone.modifiers[1] animTriggerAT
I’d be appreciated if you can see what’s wrong, and feedback me.