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[Closed] ListView UI : how to control?
Feb 22, 2006 1:17 pm
I’m trying to create a vray materials listview rollout, but can’t get the table to scale with the size of the window it sits in.
Are there any good tutorials on controlling the ui of a rollout?
Any suggestions appreciated!
The script so far is…
--Beta 0.0.1
--Started 21.02.06
--Code By Patrick Macdonald
--Listing of all scene materials with control over all material properties.
--Define a default layout--
macroScript SceneListView category:"HowTo"
global listview_rollout
rollout listview_rollout "Scene Vray Materials"
-- Initialise spreadsheet
-- Courtesy of Bobo's Spreadsheet Editor
fn initListView lv =
enableAccelerators = false
lv.Arrange = #lvwAutoLeft
lv.View = #lvwReport
lv.Appearance = #cc3D --: AppearanceConstants( #ccFlat | #cc3D )
lv.fullRowSelect = true
lv.BorderStyle = #ccNone --: BorderStyleConstants( #ccNone | #ccFixedSingle )
lv.FlatScrollBar = false
lv.HoverSelection = false
lv.TextBackground = #lvwOpaque --: ListTextBackgroundConstants( #lvwTransparent | #lvwOpaque )
lv.gridLines = true
lv.view = #lvwReport
lv.fullRowSelect = true
lv.multiSelect = true
lv.labelEdit = #lvwManual
lv.hideSelection = false
lv.sorted = false
lv.sortorder = #lvwAscending
lv.hideColumnHeaders = false
lv.allowColumnReorder = true
lv.HotTracking = false
lv.checkboxes = false
textColor = ((colorman.getColor #text)*255) as color
windowColor = ((colorman.getColor #window)*255) as color
lv.backColor = (color windowColor.b windowColor.g windowColor.r)
lv.foreColor = (color textColor.b textColor.g textColor.r)
cnt = lv.ColumnHeaders.count
for i = 1 to cnt do
lv.ColumnHeaders.remove 1
layout_def = #(#("Material Name",120), #("Material Class",120), #("Refl. Glossiness",50), #("Subdivs",50))
for i in layout_def do
column = lv.ColumnHeaders.add()
column.text = i[1]
LV_FIRST = 0x1000
for i = 0 to layout_def.count-1 do
windows.sendMessage lv.hwnd LV_SETCOLUMNWIDTH i layout_def[1+i][2]
-- Enter values into table
fn fillInSpreadSheet lv =
for o in sceneMaterials do
if isProperty sceneMaterials[cnt] "category" do -- is category defined?
if sceneMaterials[cnt].category == #VRay do
li = lv.ListItems.add()
li.text =
sub_li = li.ListSubItems.add()
sub_li.text = (classof o) as string
sub_li = li.ListSubItems.add()
sub_li.text = try((o.reflection_glossiness) as string)catch("--")
sub_li.tooltipText = "reflection_glossiness"
sub_li = li.ListSubItems.add()
sub_li.text = try((o.reflection_subdivs) as string)catch("--")
sub_li = li.ListSubItems.add()
-- MAIN --
activeXControl lv_objects "MSComctlLib.ListViewCtrl" width:490 height:490 align:#center
on listview_rollout open do
initListView lv_objects
fillInSpreadSheet lv_objects
try(destroyDialog listview_rollout)catch()
createDialog listview_rollout width:500 height:500 style:#(#style_titlebar, #style_sysmenu, #style_resizing, #style_minimizebox, #style_maximizebox )
6 Replies
Feb 22, 2006 1:17 pm
Hi Patrick,
If you meant when resizing:
on listview_rollout resized val do lv_objects.size = val – [10,10]
1 Reply
Feb 22, 2006 1:17 pm
here’s a snippet from the code of one of my tools, it’s basically the same as light suggested – it works
#(sourceSubs_tv,targetSubs_tv).size.x = (dialogSize.x - 80)/2
#(sourceSubs_tv,targetSubs_tv).size.y = (dialogSize.y - 205)
Feb 22, 2006 1:17 pm
on listview_rollout resized val do lv_objects.size = val - [10,10]
does work indeed
Feb 22, 2006 1:17 pm
with active-x controls you have to specify size with point2’s .
do this:
on listview_rollout resized size do( lv_objects.size = [size.x-10,size.y-10] )
also say you want to resize the first column to expand/contract as well:
on listview_rollout resized size do(
lv_objects.size = [size.x-10,size.y-10]
windows.sendMessage lv_objects.hwnd (0x1000+30) 0 (size.x - 380)
Feb 22, 2006 1:17 pm
(sorry this is a duplicate post, had problems submitting the first one)