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[Closed] listview duplicate objects
Dec 24, 2009 7:05 am
I have a dotnet listview setup so user can add scene objects and am trying to figure out how to remove duplicates. Any ideas on how to go about doing this?
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there are some ways which i’m using according to task and situation.
#1. Set list item’s name as node’s inode handle (which is unique for every scene’s node) and check item by key before adding a new one: = node.inode.handle as string
#2. Use list item’s tag assigning real scene node to it:
lvitem.tag = dotnetmxsvalue node
#3. Use combination of #1 and #2. Use #1 for the fast searching, and use #2 for the double-checking
#1 is much faster then searching by tag’s value
#2 is clean and more accurate then #1