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[Closed] Listbox with foldernames
Oct 09, 2015 3:04 pm
I try to wrote a script.
I need a Listbox with all Folder in an directory.(only the Foldername)
I found this one which list all subdirectories with th complete path.
function GetAllSubDirs_fn MyDirectory =
temp = #();
s = 1;
folders = getDirectories (MyDirectory + “/“);
t = folders.count;
while s < t do
for i = s to t do (temp = getDirectories (folders[i]+””);
for j = 1 to temp.count do folders[folders.count+1] = temp[j] );
s = t;
t = folders.count;
sort folders
return folders;
—Can someone help me?
4 Replies
Oct 09, 2015 3:04 pm
I didn’t double check in max, but i think this should work:
function GetAllSubDirs_fn MyDirectory =
temp = #()
s = 1
folders = getDirectories (MyDirectory + "/*")
t = folders.count
while s < t do
for i = s to t do (temp = getDirectories (folders[i]+"*")
for j = 1 to temp.count do folders[folders.count+1] = temp[j] )
s = t
t = folders.count
sort folders
-- this part gets you only the last part of the path
for a=1 to folders.count do
folders[a] = filterstring folders[a] "\\"
folders[a] = folders[a][folders[a].count]
GetAllSubDirs_fn @"C:\Users\"
Oct 09, 2015 3:04 pm
fn GetAllSubDirs_fn MyDirectory =
for F in (getdirectories (MyDirectory+”*”)) collect (trimright (pathConfig.stripPathToLeaf F) “\”)
GetAllSubDirs_fn “E:\Music\”