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[Closed] linking spinner to UVW u or v tile?
Jan 13, 2011 5:06 pm
I am trying to link some spinners I made with the UVW of any objects I have selected. What I have is not working. Can someone point me in the right direction?
Rollout PolyFormTools "PolyForm Tools"
group "UVW Tools"
button _CylinderUVWMap "UVW Map - Cylinder" align:#left
spinner uTiling "UVW Tiling:" range:[1,100,1] fieldwidth:40 align:#left type:#integer enabled:true
spinner vTiling "UVW Tiling:" range:[1,100,1] fieldwidth:40 align:#left type:#integer enabled:true
button _BoxUVWMap "UVW Map - Box" align:#left
button _FitUVW "UVW Fit" align:#left
for o in selection do (
1 Reply
Jan 13, 2011 5:06 pm
OK I figured it out.
add your spinner, make sure it’s a float type!
spinner uTiling "UVW Tiling:" range:[1,100,10] fieldwidth:40 align:#left type:#float enabled:true
Then add this code to your script
on uTiling changed val do
for i in selection do
i.modifiers[#UVW_Mapping].utile = uTiling.value