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[Closed] linking a rollout in a floating dialog to parameters?

im not too sure if this is even possible but i am trying to associate ui items in a floating dialog with parameters on another object,
specifically i am trying to get it so i can have a checkbutton in a floating dialog that can have its state animatiable where also reads its state from the parameters on another object.

i have tried by using the controller: parameter in the rollout but it gives me an incompatible controller type error – what i fear is that you cannot associate controllers with floating dialog ui items (except for spinners which i konw you can do)

if this is the case is there anyother way anyone can suggest to do this?

rollout myroll “blah blah”
checkbutton mychkbutt “press me” controller:($parameterobj.modifiers[#Attribute_holder].boolean_param1.controller)

mark tsang

2 Replies

Change handlers and callbacks could be your best friend in this case.


ok – i think i know what u want.

  1. you have a rollout float with a checkbutton

  2. you want it driven off the parameters of an objects state.

Ok, sure this can be done firstly the state of the object has to be a boolean. i.e 1-0

  • what i fear is that you cannot associate controllers with floating dialog ui items (except for spinners which i konw you can do)

nope id did a little test, and got a progress bar driving an object,(and vice versa) so a boolean shouldnt be too hard. For it to be animatable your talking scripted ca im guessing and yes ive done this too. Get on MSN.
