[Closed] link to this plugin
Hey. I am experimenting with writing plugins and find it pretty frustrating. I constantly run into system exceptions and stuff. My current problem is that I can’t find a way to set up multiple objects in a tool and link them to the plugin itself.
plugin camera testcam
name:"testcam "
classID:#(0x7b72e71e, 0x1d3536e0)
extends: freecamera
on getdisplaymesh do
if (meshObj == undefined) do
meshObj = createInstance box length:5 height:5 width:5
tool create
on mousePoint click do
nodeTM.translation = gridPoint --place the testcam where I clicked
p = point pos:gridpoint -- create a point at the same place
p.parent = this --link them ERROR
This plugin creates the testcam class. I want to add a point and link it to the node that is beeing created. But nodeTM only stores transformation data, and “this” doesn’t seem to be a node yet. So where did I go wrong?
Or when is the right time to add elements? I also tried the on create event but that is actually triggered right after I click the button, before I placed anything in a viewport. Even the on postcreate event seems to be triggered waaay too early.
Any help is appreciated.
p.parent = (refs.dependentNodes this)[1]
Should fix it, as “this” points to the instance of the scripted plugin body/baseobject and not the actual node value.