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[Closed] lbuttonup in rolloutFloaters
Mar 11, 2008 5:33 pm
edit: have just noticed “<spinner> buttonup”… Was looking for something along those lines for ages and must have been blind
According to the maxscript reference features like mouse event handlers seem to be restricted to floating dialogs, so I was wondering if there is some kind of workaround or features I haven’t found out about yet.
Here is a basic idea of what I am trying to achieve:
rollout rll_autoRender ""
on rll_autoRender lbuttonup val do
createDialog rll_autoRender width:200 height:200
I originally tried calling the render function when a slider changed value, but that didn’t work out too well performance wise!
My aim is to call the render function when I release the left mouse button, so I could still use the sliders/spinners. Any ideas how that problem could be solved? I am probably missing something very basic…