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[Closed] Last export path name [Max9]

I’m doing a log tool for mesh exports so i’m creating a callback for #postExport. The main problem is since it doesn’t return a filesave string like the save callbacks do I can’t grab the path to log to.

Is there any way to grab the last export path that was used? If you manually re-export it automatically takes you to the last place you saved, rather than the #export userpath directory. The former is the path I want.

I’m either execting that I will have to resort a custom script to replace the standard export, or someone to point out the code and therefore my stupidity for missing it.

5 Replies

Shall I assume it can’t be done then?

I know you can hack Max menu so you can display your own custom dialog but this can be only done in C++.

sysInfo.currentdir always reflects the last directry that max accessed (from what I know, anyway) be that a file export, script open or a material’s map source update, you can just grab that, can’t you?

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Yes it works!

Sweet. Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!