[Closed] keyframe cumulation value
just creating a visibility track utility. One value spinner for the transition duration, on button “fade in” and another button “fade out”. Keyframes are created at currentTime.
Works fine individually, but when adding a fade out few frame after a fade in the first created keys are drop down in negatives value. I cant understand why…
Any help?
rollout army “FadeIn&Out”
spinner duree “Duration:” type:#integer range:[0,10000,10]
button fadin”Fade In”width:140 height:25
button fadout “Fade Out”width:140 height:25
button btnreset “Reset ” width:140 height:15on fadout pressed do
for o in selection do
(o.visibility = linear_float()
with animate on
at time (currentTime) o.visibility.controller.value = 1
at time (currentTime+duree.value) o.visibility.controller.value = 0
selectKeys o.visibility.controller 0 0f
deleteKeys o.visibility.controller #selection
)on fadin pressed do ( for o in selection do (o.visibility = linear_float() with animate on ( at time (currentTime) o.visibility.controller.value = 0 at time (currentTime+duree.value) o.visibility.controller.value = 1 selectKeys o.visibility.controller 0 0f deleteKeys o.visibility.controller #selection ) ) ) on btnreset pressed do ( for o in selection do ( o.visibility = linear_float() selectKeys o.visibility.controller 0 10000f deleteKeys o.visibility.controller #selection o.visibility.controller.value = 1 ) )
createDialog army
its because you are applying linear_float() to the visibility every time in the loop. Just replace the assignment of linear_float with:
--o.visibility = linear_float() -- replace this with
try (classof(o.visibility.controller))catch( o.visibility = linear_float())