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[Closed] Just have looked at new features…

if we are talking about ‘safe coding’ try to guess where these two global functions i got…
GetSelectedSubAnim(), IsFloatController()
or try:

 isFloatController (bezier_float())

OH my! I thought some of my old code was bad. It isn’t half that ugly.

aiiieeeeeeeee, my eyes! :surprised

We could make a funny thread, showing some really old scripts we all wrote and how we’d make them 100x better and faster now.

Can I start?
My first script ever( don’t kill me):

	global startEdge
	global EdgeToSubstr
	global EdgesAll
	global nextEdge
	global EdgeToShow
	global spiner_val
	global L1
	global L2
	global R1
	global R2
	global curObj
	global debug = false
	global selFace1
	global selFace2
	global selFace3
	global obEdge
	global obEdge3
	global obEdge4
	global selFace1Edges

	global selFace3AllEdges
	global selFace3NewEdges

	rollout rol_ ""
		button btn_FullLoop "Full Loop" pos:[11,6] width:59 height:16
		button btn_FullRing "Full Ring" pos:[90,6] width:63 height:16
		spinner set_edges "Skip Every: " pos:[26,38] width:91 height:16 range:[0,10000,0] type:#integer
		label lbl1 "V-E-P" pos:[122,38] width:45 height:15
		GroupBox SkipRing "Skip Ring" pos:[11,142] width:137 height:39
		button btn_RingAcceptL "<<---" pos:[16,158] width:37 height:21 across:3
		button btn_RingAcceptBothDirect "<<-->>" pos:[56,158] width:46 height:21
		button btn_RingAcceptR "--->>" pos:[106,158] width:37 height:21			
		GroupBox SkipLoop "Skip Loop" pos:[11,99] width:138 height:39
		button btn_LoopAcceptL "<<---" pos:[16,117] width:46 height:21 
		button bnt_LoopAcceptBothDirect "<<-->>" pos:[56,117] width:46 height:21
		button btn_LoopAcceptR "--->>" pos:[106,117] width:37 height:21
		spinner spn_steps "For   " pos:[60,59] width:56 height:16 type:#integer
		label lbl7 "Steps" pos:[122,60] width:35 height:12
		checkbox checkboxL "PolyLoop" pos:[77,87] width:71 height:20 checked:false toolTip:"Select Face Loop"		
		function SelectEdges step =
		on btn_FullLoop pressed do
		with undo "Select Edge Loop" on
		on btn_FullRing pressed do
		with undo "Select Edge Ring" on
		on btn_RingAcceptL pressed do
		with undo "Select" on
		on btn_RingAcceptBothDirect pressed do
		with undo "Select" on
		on btn_RingAcceptR pressed do
		with undo "Select" on
		on btn_LoopAcceptL pressed do
		with undo "Select" on
		on bnt_LoopAcceptBothDirect pressed do
		with undo "Select Edge" on
		on btn_LoopAcceptR pressed do
		with undo "Select Edge" on
		on checkboxL changed theState do
	createDialog rol_ 	

Mine comes pre-baked with a wonderful Bobo destruction!

Looking at it now (look at all those global variable declarations! Why?! And why was I interpreting text box values as float?!) I’m amazed it worked. But I’m very grateful to Bobo for ripping it apart. I actually mentioned it to Bobo when he came to the studio I used to work at (on Thinkbox business) – obviously he didn’t remember it, as he does it all the time, but it stuck with me, that’s for sure!

Very grateful to CGTalk generally, actually, for helping to improve my scripting unimaginably over the years.

The first script I wrote was one to set animation keys on piano keys for my 1st year university project, I don’t have that any more but the irst script I wrote while in employment (back in 2007?), I don’t have the original, this is version 4 which had things slightly improved I think the original didn’t have a function and didn’t work with Vray Mats or Multisubs. Loads of poorly named buttons, long lines of many lines of code that could be written as one.

Simple Matte Material setup and keeps opacity on and shaders, but is quite badly written and really isn’t an optimised way of working, it creates a lot of duplicate materials rather than working on an individual material basis. I’ve got a much more advanced and sophisticated version in my latest tools which uses the replaceinstances and works with all material and map types.

fn OPMasker r g b a =
	with undo off with redraw off 
		for i = 1 to selection.count do
			--test Vray
			--if material is vray
			local m=selection[i].material
			if (classof m)==VRayMtl then 
				--check for opacity map
				if selection[i].material.texmap_opacity != undefined then
					--convert to standard
					obj_mat = selection[i].material
					new_mat = StandardMaterial() 
					new_mat.opacitymap = obj_mat.texmap_opacity
					new_mat.diffuse = color r g b
					new_mat.selfIllumAmount = 100
					selection[i].material = new_mat
					--if not, assign standard black_mask
					selection[i].material = meditMaterials[a]
			 --if material is standard
			if (classof m)==Standardmaterial then 
				--check for opacity map
				if selection[i].material.opacitymap != undefined then
					--apply colours settings
					selection[i].material.diffuse = color r g b
					selection[i].material.Specular = color r g b
					selection[i].material.ambient = color r g b
					selection[i].material.selfIllumAmount = 100
					selection[i].material.glossiness = 0
					selection[i].material.specularLevel = 0
					selection[i].material.glossiness = 0
					selection[i].material.diffuseMapEnable = off
					selection[i].material.specularMapEnable = off
					selection[i].material.specularLevelMapEnable = off
					selection[i].material.glossinessMapEnable = off
					selection[i].material.selfillumMapEnable = off
					selection[i].material.filterMapEnable = off
					selection[i].material.bumpMapEnable = off
					selection[i].material.reflectionMapEnable = off
					selection[i].material.refractionMapEnable = off
					selection[i].material.displacementMapEnable = off
					selection[i].material.ambientMapEnable = off

				--if not apply standard black_mask
					selection[i].material = meditMaterials[a]

			-- if material is multisub
			if (classof m)==multimaterial then 
				-- get count of sub IDs
				for n = 1 to selection[i].material.materialList.count do
					if( classof selection[i].material.materialList[n] == Standardmaterial ) then
						--check for opacity
						if selection[i].material.materialList[n].opacitymap != undefined then
							--apply colours settings
							selection[i].material.materialList[n].diffuse = color r g b
							selection[i].material.materialList[n].Specular = color r g b
							selection[i].material.materialList[n].ambient = color r g b
							selection[i].material.materialList[n].selfIllumAmount = 100
							selection[i].material.materialList[n].glossiness = 0
							selection[i].material.materialList[n].specularLevel = 0
							selection[i].material.materialList[n].glossiness = 0
							selection[i].material.materialList[n].diffuseMapEnable = off
							selection[i].material.materialList[n].specularMapEnable = off
							selection[i].material.materialList[n].specularLevelMapEnable = off
							selection[i].material.materialList[n].glossinessMapEnable = off
							selection[i].material.materialList[n].selfillumMapEnable = off
							selection[i].material.materialList[n].filterMapEnable = off
							selection[i].material.materialList[n].bumpMapEnable = off
							selection[i].material.materialList[n].reflectionMapEnable = off
							selection[i].material.materialList[n].refractionMapEnable = off
							selection[i].material.materialList[n].displacementMapEnable = off
							selection[i].material.materialList[n].ambientMapEnable = off

				--if not apply standard black_mask
							selection[i].material.materiallist[n] = meditMaterials[a]

					if (classof selection[i].material.materialList[n] ==VrayMtl) then
						--check for opacity
						if selection[i].material.materialList[n].texmap_opacity != undefined then
							--convert to standard
							obj_mat = selection[i].material.materialList[n]
							new_mat = StandardMaterial() 
							new_mat.opacitymap = obj_mat.texmap_opacity
							new_mat.diffuse = color r g b
							new_mat.selfIllumAmount = 100
							selection[i].material.materialList[n] = new_mat
							--if not, assign standard black_mask
							selection[i].material.materialList[n] = meditMaterials[a]

					--check for vray/standard
					--check for vray/standard


rollout maskerrollout "Masker" width:409 height:153
	button btn1 "Initiate Mask Materials" pos:[7,5] width:397 height:20
	label lbl1 "Quick Masks" pos:[10,33] width:214 height:18 enabled:false
	button btn2 "Red" pos:[8,55] width:76 height:24 enabled:false
	button btn3 "Green" pos:[87,55] width:76 height:24 enabled:false
	button btn4 "Blue" pos:[167,55] width:76 height:24 enabled:false
	button btn5 "Black" pos:[246,54] width:76 height:24 enabled:false
	label lbl2 "Opacity Masker - Respects Vray Mtls and Multisub" pos:[5,93] width:315 height:20
	button btn6 "Red" pos:[8,117] width:76 height:24 enabled:false
	button btn7 "Green" pos:[87,117] width:76 height:24 enabled:false
	button btn8 "Blue" pos:[167,117] width:76 height:24 enabled:false
	button btn9 "Black" pos:[246,117] width:76 height:24 enabled:false
	button btn10 "White" pos:[325,54] width:76 height:24 enabled:false
	button btn11 "White" pos:[325,117] width:76 height:24 enabled:false
	button btn12 "Random Assigner (Quick - no opacity map keeper)" pos:[7,160] width:397 height:20 enabled:false
	button btn13 "Multisub Random Assigner" pos:[7,180] width:397 height:20 enabled:false

	on btn1 pressed  do

		meditMaterials[1] = StandardMaterial()

		meditMaterials[1].name = "Black_matte"

		meditMaterials[1].diffuse = color 0 0 0

		meditMaterials[1].SelfIllumAmount = 100



		meditMaterials[2] = StandardMaterial()

		meditMaterials[2].name = "Red_matte"

		meditMaterials[2].diffuse = color 255 0 0

		meditMaterials[2].SelfIllumAmount = 100



		meditMaterials[3] = StandardMaterial()

		meditMaterials[3].name = "Green_matte"

		meditMaterials[3].diffuse = color 0 255 0

		meditMaterials[3].SelfIllumAmount = 100



		meditMaterials[4] = StandardMaterial()

		meditMaterials[4].name = "Blue_matte"

		meditMaterials[4].diffuse = color 0 0 255

		meditMaterials[4].SelfIllumAmount = 100
		meditMaterials[5] = StandardMaterial()

		meditMaterials[5].name = "White_matte"

		meditMaterials[5].diffuse = color 255 255 255

		meditMaterials[5].SelfIllumAmount = 100
		btn2.enabled = true
		btn3.enabled = true
		btn4.enabled = true
		btn5.enabled = true
		btn6.enabled = true
		btn7.enabled = true
		btn8.enabled = true
		btn9.enabled = true
		btn10.enabled = true
		btn11.enabled = true
		btn12.enabled = true
		btn13.enabled = true
	on btn2 pressed  do
		with undo off with redraw off 
				for i = 1 to selection.count do


				selection[i].material = meditMaterials[2]

	on btn3 pressed  do
		with undo off with redraw off 
			for i = 1 to selection.count do


			selection[i].material = meditMaterials[3]

	on btn4 pressed  do
		with undo off with redraw off 
			for i = 1 to selection.count do


			selection[i].material = meditMaterials[4]

	on btn5 pressed  do
			for i = 1 to selection.count do


			selection[i].material = meditMaterials[1]

	on btn6 pressed  do
		OPMasker 255 0 0 2
	on btn7 pressed  do
		OPMasker 0 255 0 3
	on btn8 pressed  do
		OPMasker 0 0 255 4
	on btn9 pressed  do
		OPMasker 0 0 0 1

	on btn10 pressed  do
		for i = 1 to selection.count do


		selection[i].material = meditMaterials[5]

	on btn11 pressed  do
		OPMasker 255 255 255 5

	on btn12 pressed do
	for i = 1 to selection.count do

		f = random 2 4

		selection[i].material = meditMaterials[f]


	on btn13 pressed do
	for i =  1 to selection.count do
		local m=selection[i].material
		if (classof m)==multimaterial then 
		-- get count of sub IDs
		for n = 1 to selection[i].material.materialList.count do
			if( classof selection[i].material.materialList[n] == Standardmaterial ) then
				--check for opacity
				if selection[i].material.materialList[n].opacitymap != undefined then
					-- get random colour
					f = random 2 4
					if f = 2 do
					r = 255
					g = 0
					b = 0
					if f = 3 do
					r = 0
					g = 255
					b = 255
					if f = 4 do
					r = 0
					g = 0
					b = 255
					--apply colours settings
					selection[i].material.materialList[n].diffuse = color r g b
					selection[i].material.materialList[n].Specular = color r g b
					selection[i].material.materialList[n].ambient = color r g b
					selection[i].material.materialList[n].selfIllumAmount = 100
					selection[i].material.materialList[n].glossiness = 0
					selection[i].material.materialList[n].specularLevel = 0
					selection[i].material.materialList[n].glossiness = 0
					selection[i].material.materialList[n].diffuseMapEnable = off
					selection[i].material.materialList[n].specularMapEnable = off
					selection[i].material.materialList[n].specularLevelMapEnable = off
					selection[i].material.materialList[n].glossinessMapEnable = off
					selection[i].material.materialList[n].selfillumMapEnable = off
					selection[i].material.materialList[n].filterMapEnable = off
					selection[i].material.materialList[n].bumpMapEnable = off
					selection[i].material.materialList[n].reflectionMapEnable = off
					selection[i].material.materialList[n].refractionMapEnable = off
					selection[i].material.materialList[n].displacementMapEnable = off
					selection[i].material.materialList[n].ambientMapEnable = off

		--if not apply standard black_mask
					f = random 2 4
					selection[i].material.materiallist[n] = meditMaterials[f]

			if (classof selection[i].material.materialList[n] ==VrayMtl) then
				--check for opacity
				if selection[i].material.materialList[n].texmap_opacity != undefined then
					-- get random colour
					f = random 2 4
					if f = 2 do
					r = 255
					g = 0
					b = 0
					if f = 3 do
					r = 0
					g = 255
					b = 255
					if f = 4 do
					r = 0
					g = 0
					b = 255
					--convert to standard
					obj_mat = selection[i].material.materialList[n]
					new_mat = StandardMaterial() 
					new_mat.opacitymap = obj_mat.texmap_opacity
					new_mat.diffuse = color r g b
					new_mat.selfIllumAmount = 100
					selection[i].material.materialList[n] = new_mat
					--if not, assign standard black_mask
					f = random 2 4
					selection[i].material.materialList[n] = meditMaterials[f]

			--check for vray/standard
			--check for vray/standard

Masker = newRolloutFloater "Masker" 420 250
addRollout maskerrollout Masker rolledUp:false

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