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[Closed] Issue creating render param dialog

Hello all, crossposting a thread I made from the autodesk forums as it looks like it might get more traction here.
I’m trying to write a simple rendering plugin, right now my first goal is to just make a skeleton plugin that loads but doesn’t really do anything.

While doing this, I’ve running into a problem creating the render param dialog. I’ve mostly just been copying from the cjrender example that ships with the sdk to achieve this and reading the relevant documentation where needed. My problem is that the render dialog always looks like this:

After discovering this, I also tried building the included cjrender and noticed that it has the same problem.

I’ve included my full class that I’m using to extend RendParamDlg here:

Where the IDD_PANEL resource referenced here is a just the default panel created by the VS project wizard, I haven’t made any changes to it.

Is there something wrong I’m doing here? Better, does anyone have an example of a RendParamDlg that is known to work?

2 Replies

Small update to this. I’ve done some more poking around and it seems to be a more general problem with adding any sort of rollup. I tried just following the simplest example autodesk had here

For this, I’m getting the same tiny rectangle as above to show up instead of a rollout when i activate the utility plugin with completely auto-generated code. Interestingly, the name showed up blank in the utility list.

Now I assume this is the result of something messed up in my build environment, but i don’t have any idea what. Has anyone seen this sort of thing before?

One more small update, looks like the problem was that I didn’t read enough SDK documentation.

I had mistakenly not copied the .mui file from the build directory thinking that was some intermediate compilation file I didn’t need. As it happens that file is important.