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[Closed] isClassCreatable??
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Aug 08, 2013 11:06 pm
Is there a way to collect all creatable classes that have property that represent filename?
I want to find all these classes to be able to collect later bitmap paths, ies files, proxy files etc.
2 Replies
This snippet will collect all texturemap classes that have direct file input
local arr = #()
for c in texturemap.classes where c.creatable do
propStr = stringStream ""
showclass (c as string+".*") to:propStr
seek propStr 0
while not eof propStr do
r = readLine propStr ; prop = filterString r " : "
if prop[prop.count] == "filename" or prop[prop.count] == "bitmap" do (append arr #(c, r) ; exit)
) ; print arr
Above method is not acurate in most cases.
One of the case is VRayBmpFilter map which is not recognized by AssetTracking also.
Using showclass obviously not shows all class properties like showProperties method
showclass "VRayBmpFilter.*"
VRayBmpFilter : textureMap {37d77cee,78261c3a}
.bitmap (Spin) : bitmap
.u_offset (Spin) : float
.v_offset (Spin) : float
.u_flip (Spin) : boolean
.v_flip (Spin) : boolean
.channel (Spin) : integer
.u_tile (Spin) : boolean
.v_tile (Spin) : boolean
This is the rusult using showProperties method
showproperties (VRayBmpFilter())
.bitmap (Spin) : bitmap
.u_offset (Spin) : float
.v_offset (Spin) : float
.u_flip (Spin) : boolean
.v_flip (Spin) : boolean
.channel (Spin) : integer
.u_tile (Spin) : boolean
.v_tile (Spin) : boolean
.bitmapname : string
Below code will recognize this map type
local arr = #(), pNames = #("bitmap", "filename", "string"), skip = off
for c in texturemap.classes where c.creatable do
propStr = stringStream ""
showProperties (c()) to:propStr --Get all the texturemap classes.
seek propStr 0
while not eof propStr do
r = readLine propStr ; prop = filterString r " : "
idx = findItem pNames prop[prop.count]
case idx of
(1): skip = on
(2): (append arr #(c, r) ; skip = off ; exit)
(3): if skip do (append arr #(c, r) ; skip = off ; exit)
) ; print arr
Aug 08, 2013 11:06 pm
Another tricky map type is Camera_Map_Per_Pixel
.zbuffer property is only one that require direct map input in the form of bitmap but not filename.
How to easy assigne map here?
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