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[Closed] Is there any way to get progressbar text while rendering?


Hi guys,
I’m trying to fetch the V-ray render process percentage number while rendering, I opened it via the script as follow :

render camera:$Camera001 vfb:off outputwidth:width outputheight:height outputFile:fileName progressbar:true cancelled:&cancelled

and the percentage just showed at the bottom of screen, but How could I read it??

Many thanks

6 Replies

you could start a timer before the render start and then simply find pb control among statuspanel child controls to parse the data

local g = (dotNetClass "Autodesk.Max.GlobalInterface").Instance	
local candidates = for c in windows.getChildrenHWND g.CoreInterface7.StatusPanelHWnd where matchPattern c[5] pattern:"*%" collect c[1]
-- find exact control and parse the data out

not sure if it will work for modern qt gui, don’t have vray installed to check


Thank you, SEREJAH, I tried your script but the result did’t cantain that process bar. I print all these c[5] text as follows:

[Add Time Tag]
[$ = “243_WallHoleFrame_section_2”]
[1 Object Selected]
[Grid = 10.0cm]

I guess maybe the StatusPanelBottomContainer object has some property that contains the number I want?
By the way, I googled these property names and it’s really hard to find docs that helped, is there any official docs I can refer to?

Here’s a quick dirty test code, see if it works

is_rendering = true

bw = dotNetObject "CSharpUtilities.SynchronizingBackgroundWorker"

fn printpb = 
    -- ideally you need to find this progress bar handle just once on render start and use it until the end
	local  candidates = for w in windows.getChildrenHWND #max where w[4] == "msctls_progress32" collect w[1]

	if candidates.count > 0 do 
		local WM_USER    = 1024
		local PBM_GETPOS = WM_USER + 8
		format ">> %\n" (windows.sendmessage candidates[1] PBM_GETPOS 0 0)

fn dowork =
	format "Background worker started\n" 

	local delay = 0.5 -- half sec
	while is_rendering do
		sleep delay
	format "Background worker completed\n" 

dotnet.addEventHandler bw "DoWork" dowork

render camera:$Camera001 vfb:off width:500 height:500 progressbar:true cancelled:&cancelled

is_rendering = false

actually there’s a way to know whether the render is active

(dotNetClass "Autodesk.Max.GlobalInterface").Instance.CoreInterface7.IsRenderActive

Thanks, your script worked perfectly!!!

I learned that the your script invokes system call to gain direct access to msctls_progress32 (or process bar).
since it takes several steps to finish rendering(start GPU/compile/Build cache/Rendering etc), I want tag these numbers with certain stages, like:

start GPU 40%
compile 10%
Build cache 90%
Rendering 10%

But process bar itself doesn’t have properties like “message” or “text”(the properties start with PBM_ is all about the bar position or its bar color), how could I get the text on the left?

These labels must be separate controls just like any other mxs label, but I couldn’t find any neighboring labels when the progress bar appears. Moreover not a single control in max receives WM_SETTEXT message in the process of rendering so I assume there’re no labels and this text is printed directly onto the pb parent control.
Try asking here:


Got it, thanks a lot and have a good day