[Closed] Is there an opposite to AnimateVertex?
Something one of my animators is doing to our rigs is doing the equivalent of running the AnimateVertex command on the control shapes in our rigs. He’s not sure how it’s happening and no one else seems to be having this issue. But once the vertices on the splineshapes have their dynamic vertex animation channels created, other tools start keying them and then the rig slows down to like 4 fps. We can update the rig to fix it, until the next time it happens. I’m looking at some other ways to prevent this from happening, but I was wondering: Is there any way to UN-AnimateVertex and remove the dynamic channels somehow?
He must have the key filters setup to key base objects.
I don’t know of any way to remove the controllers but you could replace the baseObject of each of the controllers with a new one.
unfortunately MXS doesn’t provide this method. it’s possible to do only using max SDK.
In order to avoid this in our rigs I set the controllers on the spline base object level to non-keyable. Its not completely locked down but it avoids keying when rig testing etc…
the key-ability is only one of the problems. just an existence of point controllers makes all rig slower. the idea as i understood is to delete point controller if they were accidentally created. it’s possible to do with SDK, and there is no way via MXS
safer is to lock master controller with its point controllers.
lockedtracksman.setlocks on <node>.baseobject[#master] undefined 1 on
i prefer this method also because it’s easier visually control the state
That’s interesting to know. It does kill the rig performance. Mine is just a precautionary workaround rather than a fix. But it doesn’t help if you want to remove them. I’d be interested in how to remove these as it is a problem for us for sure.
i just want to explain how point controller kill a performance neither they have keys nor not.
probably you will not see a big difference in performance if you try check for example spline just isolated from everything. it’s because its point controller are not involved in any notifications.
but spline used in IK system is absolutely different story. it sends and receives a lot of notifications.
well … how to remove Point Controllers using SDK:
see MasterPointControl Class Reference and more specifically DeleteControlSet