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[Closed] Is it a max bug or just a bad solver?

see this sample:

delete objects
obj =
	b0 = boneSys.createBone [0,0,0] [10,0,10] [0,1,0] 
	(b1 = boneSys.createBone [10,0,10] [10,0,25] [0,1,0]).parent = b0
	(b2 = boneSys.createBone [10,0,25] [0,0,35] [0,1,0]).parent = b1
	(b2_End = boneSys.createBone [0,0,35] [-2,0,37] [0,1,0]).parent = b2

	sp = splineShape name:"IK_SplineShape" adaptive:on optimize:off pos:b0.pos vertexTicks:on wirecolor:green 
	addNewSpline sp
	addKnot sp 1 #corner #line b0.pos b0.pos b0.pos
	addKnot sp 1 #corner #line b1.pos b1.pos b1.pos
	addKnot sp 1 #corner #line b2.pos b2.pos b2.pos
	addKnot sp 1 #corner #line b2_End.pos b2_End.pos b2_End.pos
	updateShape sp


	obj = IKSys.ikChain b0 b2_End "SplineIKSolver" = "IK_Chain"
	obj.controller.enabled = 0
	obj.controller.pickShape = sp

obj.controller.enabled = 1

I create bones, a spline, and a spline ik solver. Everything is perfectly aligned.
But as I set IK enabled to ON the chain object jumps out the spline and moves whole chain bones excepting the first one. I can expect any problem with a curve spline, but this is a Line! It doesn’t make any sense for me. What the heck?
I double checked the Maya’s IK Spline. It’s works perfect. And much faster. Do I have to write my Spline Solver now?

29 Replies

Frankly I’m surprised you haven’t written one already


I think everything in max must be rewrited! see my simple IK.

I confirmed the bug, both in max 2012 update 8 and max 2013 update 3. :banghead:


SplineIK comes from max V1!!! (maybe Dos version!)

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Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

there is the source code of the spline solver in max SDK. yep… the code is not very old (2002) but very primitive. Definitely it’s time for me to write my own solver.


i already wrote my own, i will post it as soon as possible, take a look at it and tell me your idea.

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Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

what do want me to look at? your solver? where can i get it?


I will post it here, I’m trying to clean code a little.


Ok, sorry for late, this is my StreachySplinIk(with no IK!)

delete objects 

	b0 = boneSys.createBone [0,0,0] [10,0,10] [0,1,0] 
	(b1 = boneSys.createBone [10,0,10] [10,0,25] [0,1,0]).parent = b0
	(b2 = boneSys.createBone [10,0,25] [0,0,35] [0,1,0]).parent = b1
	(b2_End = boneSys.createBone [0,0,35] [-2,0,37] [0,1,0]).parent = b2

Bns= #(b0,b1,b2,b2_End) 

fn drawLine pointA pointB =
	ss = SplineShape pos:pointA
	addNewSpline ss
	addKnot ss 1 #corner #line PointA
	addKnot ss 1 #corner #line PointB
	updateShape ss

NewSpline = drawLine bns[1].pos bns[bns.count].pos

for i=2 to (bns.count-1)  do
	refineSegment newSpline 1 1 .5
	updateshape newSpline

knum=numKnots newspline 1

for i=2 to bns.count do
	setKnotPoint newSpline 1 i bns[i].pos
	updateshape newSpline

for i=1 to knum do 
	setKnotType newspline 1 i #smooth
	updateshape newspline

Pts= for i=1 to bns.count collect
	point centermarker:off axistripod:off cross:off box:off 
lengthB=curveLength newSpline
for p=1 to  Pts.count do
	if p>1 and p< Pts.count then 
		Pts[p].pos.controller=path  percent:per follow:true 
		deletekey Pts[p].pos.controller.percent.controller 2
	if P==Pts.count then 
		Pts[p].pos.controller=path   percent:100 follow:true 
		deletekey Pts[p].pos.controller.percent.controller 2					
	if p==1 then
		Pts[1].pos.controller=path   follow:true 
		deletekey Pts[1].pos.controller.percent.controller 2

-- Just for refresh debug!
for i=1 to knum do 
	setKnotType newspline 1 i #smooth
	updateshape newspline
--end refrsh debug

for i = 1 to (bns.count) do
	posCon.appendTarget pts[i] 100
	if i < bns.count then
		lookAtCon.appendTarget pts[i+1] 100

addModifier newspline (Spline_IK_Control ()) ui:on 
SPMod = newspline.modifiers[#Spline_IK_Control]
SPMod.createHelper num
newspline.modifiers[#Spline_IK_Control].linkTypes = 2
SPMod.helper_size = 10

I couldn’t figure out how to use the built in one, and I needed a Non-Stretchy version, so ended up doing a bit more scripting on the controlling dummy objects. Worked for what I needed. Only ended up with flipping issues when my spline nodes got too close to each other. Main problem is that it’s so slooooowwww…


flipping issue comes from LookAt constraint problem.

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