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[Closed] Interactive bitmaps

Here are some Toys that I have writen in the last few days,
just to improve my skilles :D. The basic idea is based on Bobo’s tutorial
about the basic maxScript renderer combined with some of my ideas about
a joystick gui.

           If you have any ideas of other cool stuff that we can do with this simple
           engen, you are wellcom to post them here.
           I would also like to here any ideas about how to improve the engen and make it faster.
           Cheers :buttrock:
 (04.07.2008)      Added New code on [page 2](  - Spline.
 (05.07.2008) Added new feature to Spline demo - 'Bezier / Bezier Corner' Handles.

(06.07.2008) Improved ‘Draw Dot’ function makes it possible to control spline thickness.

 (03.07.2008)      Added New code on [page 2](  - Bezier Curve with the Draw Edge technique.
 [img] [/img]
 (03.07.2008)      Added New code on [page 2](  - Draw Edge.
    [img] [/img]
  (16.06.2008)      Added New code on [page 2](  - Bezier Curve.
        [img] [/img]
30 Replies

Test #1:

     try destroyDialog bitmapTest catch ()
     rollout bitmapTest "Bitmap test 1"
     -- Local Variable Declerations
     	local dim = 100
     	local jsPos = [dim/2,dim/2]
     	local mousePressed = false
     -- User Interface
     	bitmap bmGraph "" width:dim height:dim
     	spinner spRadius "Radius:" range:[0.1,1000,10] align:#center fieldwidth:40
     	spinner spPower "Power:" range:[0,10,10] align:#center fieldwidth:40 scale:0.01
     -- Functions
     	fn mainFunc x y = 
     		local dist = distance jsPos [x,y]
     		if dist > spRadius.value do dist = spRadius.value
     		dist ^ spPower.value / spRadius.value ^ spPower.value
     	fn updateGraph =
     		local newBitmap = bitmap dim dim color:white
     		for y = 1 to dim - 1 do (
     			local pixelArr = #()
     			for x = 1 to dim - 1 do (
     				local pixelColor = white
     				case of (
     					default: (pixelColor *= mainFunc x y)
     					(y == dim/2): (pixelColor *= if mainFunc x y > 0.7 then 0.7 else mainFunc x y)
     					(x == dim/2): (pixelColor *= if mainFunc x y > 0.7 then 0.7 else mainFunc x y)
     				) -- end case
     				append pixelArr pixelColor
     			) -- end x loop
     			setPixels newBitmap [1,y] pixelArr
     		) -- end y loop
     		bmGraph.bitmap = newBitmap
     	) -- end updateGraph fn
     	fn updateJS pos force:false =
     		if mousePressed or force do (
     			jsPos = pos - bmGraph.pos
     	fn openDialog =
     		createDialog bitmapTest width:(dim + 10)
     	fn init =
     	fn done =
     		-- cleanup code
     		gc light:true
     -- Event Handlers
     	on spRadius changed val do updateGraph()
     	on spPower changed val do updateGraph()
     	on bitmapTest mousemove pos do updateJS pos
     	on bitmapTest lbuttondown pos do mousePressed = true
     	on bitmapTest lbuttonup pos do mousePressed = false
     	on bitmapTest rbuttonup pos do updateJS ([dim/2,dim/2] + bmGraph.pos) force:true
     	on bitmapTest open do init()
     	on bitmapTest close do done()
     ) -- end of rollout

Hold down left mouse button and drag around inside the bitmap to move the circle

Test #2:

 try destroyDialog bitmapTest catch ()
 rollout bitmapTest "Bitmap test 2"
 -- Local Variable Declerations
 	local dim = 100
 	local jsPos = [dim/2,dim/2]
 	local mousePressed = false
 	local color1 = black
 	local color2 = green
 	local color3 = white
 	local color4
 -- User Interface
 	bitmap bmGraph "" width:dim height:dim
 -- Functions
 	fn mainFunc x y = 
 		x -= dim / 2
 		y = dim / 2 - y
 		local a = jsPos.x - dim / 2
 		local b = dim / 2 - jsPos.y
 		local f = (b / (1 + ((x / a) ^ 2)))
 		if y == f then color4 = color3 else color4 = color2
 		if b >= 0 then (
 			case of (
 				(f < y): 1
 				(y / f < 0): 1
 				default: (1 - y / f)
 		) else (
 			case of (
 				(f > y): 1
 				(y / f < 0): 1
 				default: (1 - y / f)
 	fn updateGraph =
 		local newBitmap = bitmap dim dim color:color1
 		for y = 1 to dim do (
 			local pixelArr = #()
 			for x = 1 to dim - 1 do (
 				local pixelColor
 				case of (
 					default: (pixelColor = color1 * (mainFunc x y) + color4 * (1 - (mainFunc x y)))
 					(y == dim/2): (pixelColor = white * 0.5)
 					(x == dim/2): (pixelColor = white * 0.5)
 				) -- end case
 				append pixelArr pixelColor
 			) -- end x loop
 			setPixels newBitmap [1,y] pixelArr
 		) -- end y loop
 		bmGraph.bitmap = newBitmap
 	) -- end updateGraph fn
 	fn updateJS pos force:false =
 		if mousePressed or force do (
 			jsPos = pos - bmGraph.pos
 	fn openDialog =
 		createDialog bitmapTest width:(dim + 10) height:(dim + 10)
 	fn init =
 	fn done =
 		-- cleanup code
 		gc light:true
 -- Event Handlers
 	on bitmapTest mousemove pos do updateJS pos
 	on bitmapTest lbuttondown pos do mousePressed = true
 	on bitmapTest lbuttonup pos do mousePressed = false
 	on bitmapTest rbuttonup pos do updateJS ([dim/2,dim/2] + bmGraph.pos) force:true
 	on bitmapTest open do init()
 	on bitmapTest close do done()
 ) -- end of rollout

Hold down left mouse button and drag inside the bitmap to see the graph update

Test #3:

 try destroyDialog sphereTest catch ()
 rollout sphereTest "Sphere Test"
 -- Local Variable Declerations
 	local dim = 100
 	local jsPos = [dim/2,dim/2]
 	local mousePressed = false
 -- User Interface
 	bitmap bmGraph "" width:dim height:dim
 	spinner spRadius "Radius:" range:[0,1000,40] align:#right fieldWidth:40
 	spinner spZ "Z:" range:[-(dim/2),(dim/2),10] align:#right fieldWidth:40
 	spinner spMult "Multiply:" range:[0,10,1] align:#right fieldWidth:40
 	spinner spSteps "Steps:" range:[1,6,1] align:#right fieldWidth:40 type:#integer
 -- Functions
 	fn mainFunc x y = 
 		local dist = distance [dim/2,dim/2] [x,y]
 		local z = spRadius.value ^ 2 - dist ^ 2
 		z = if z < 0.0 then 0.0 else sqrt z
 		local v1 = [dim/2,dim/2,0] - [jsPos.x,jsPos.y,spZ.value]
 		local v2 = [dim/2,dim/2,0] - [x,y,z]
 		local exp = dot (normalize v1) (normalize v2) * spMult.value
 		if exp < 0.0 then exp = 0.0
 		if exp > 1.0 then exp = 1.0
 		if dist < spRadius.value - 2 then exp else (
 			if dist > spRadius.value + 2 then 1.0 else (
 				local val = 0.0
 				for a = 1 to spSteps.value do (
 					for b = 1 to spSteps.value do (
 						dist = distance [dim/2,dim/2] [x + (1.0 / a) - 0.5 , y + (1.0 / b) - 0.5]
 						val += (if dist <= spRadius.value then exp else 1.0) / (spSteps.value ^ 2)
 	fn updateGraph =
 		local newBitmap = bitmap dim dim color:white
 		for y = 1 to dim - 1 do (
 			local pixelArr = #()
 			for x = 1 to dim - 1 do (
 				local pixelColor = white
 				case of (
 					default: (pixelColor *= mainFunc x y)
 					(y == jsPos.y): (pixelColor = red)
 					(x == jsPos.x): (pixelColor = red)
 				) -- end case
 				append pixelArr pixelColor
 			) -- end x loop
 			setPixels newBitmap [1,y] pixelArr
 		) -- end y loop
 		bmGraph.bitmap = newBitmap
 	) -- end updateGraph fn
 	fn updateJS pos force:false =
 		if mousePressed or force do (
 			jsPos = pos - bmGraph.pos
 	fn openDialog =
 		createDialog sphereTest width:(dim + 10)
 	fn init =
 	fn done =
 		-- cleanup code
 		gc light:true
 -- Event Handlers
 	on spRadius changed val do updateGraph()
 	on spZ changed val do updateGraph()
 	on spMult changed val do updateGraph()
 	on spSteps changed val do updateGraph()
 	on sphereTest mousemove pos do updateJS pos
 	on sphereTest lbuttondown pos do mousePressed = true
 	on sphereTest lbuttonup pos do mousePressed = false
 	on sphereTest rbuttonup pos do updateJS ([dim/2,dim/2] + bmGraph.pos) force:true
 	on sphereTest open do init()
 	on sphereTest close do done()
 ) -- end of rollout

Hold down left mouse button and drag around inside the bitmap to light the sphere
from other angles.

Test #4:

    try destroyDialog bitmapTest catch ()
    rollout bitmapTest "Bitmap test 4"
    -- Local Variable Declerations
    	local dim = 100
    	local randArr = #()
    	local colorArr = #()
    	local lastPt = 0
    	local mousePressed = false
    -- User Interface
    	bitmap bmGraph "" width:dim height:dim
    	spinner spNumPts "Num Pts:" range:[1,100,5] type:#integer align:#right fieldwidth:40
    	spinner spRadius "Radius:" range:[0,10,2.5] align:#right fieldwidth:40
    	spinner spLines "Lines:" range:[0,50,0] align:#right fieldwidth:40
    -- Functions
    	fn mainFunc x y =
    		local dist1 = 999999
    		local dist2 = undefined
    		local n = 0
    		for i = 1 to randArr.count do (
    			local newDist = distance [x,y] randArr[i]
    			if newDist <= dist1 do (
    				dist2 = dist1
    				dist1 = newDist
    				n = i
    		if dist2 != undefined and abs (dist1 - dist2) < spLines.value then black else (
    			if dist1 > spRadius.value then colorArr[n] else red
    	fn updateGraph =
    		local newBitmap = bitmap dim dim color:white
    		for y = 1 to dim do (
    			local pixelArr = #()
    			for x = 1 to dim - 1 do (
    				local pixelColor = mainFunc x y
    				append pixelArr pixelColor
    			) -- end x loop
    			setPixels newBitmap [1,y] pixelArr
    		) -- end y loop
    		bmGraph.bitmap = newBitmap
    	) -- end updateGraph fn
    	fn initRand =
    		randArr = #()
    		colorArr = #()
    		for i = 1 to spNumPts.value do (
    			append randArr [random 0 dim,random 0 dim]
    			append colorArr (random (color 50 50 50) (color 200 200 200))
    	fn getPt pos =
    		pos = pos - bmGraph.pos
    		local lastDist = 999999
    		lastPt = 0
    		for i = 1 to randArr.count do (
    			local newDist = distance [pos.x,pos.y] randArr[i]
    			if newDist < lastDist do (
    				lastDist = newDist
    				lastPt = i
    		mousePressed = true
    	fn updatePt pos =
    		pos = pos - bmGraph.pos
    		if mousePressed and lastPt > 0 then (
    			randArr[lastPt] = pos
    	fn resizeDialog pos =
    		local oldDim = dim
    		dim = if bitmapTest.width < bitmapTest.height then bitmapTest.width - 20 else bitmapTest.height - 20
    		bmGraph.width = dim
    		bmGraph.height = dim
    		for i = 1 to randArr.count do (
    			randArr[i] *= dim / oldDim
    		spLines.pos = [spLines.pos.x,pos.y - 20]
    		spRadius.pos = [spRadius.pos.x,spLines.pos.y - 20]
    		spNumPts.pos = [spNumPts.pos.x,spRadius.pos.y - 20]
    	fn openDialog =
    		createDialog bitmapTest width:(dim + 20) style:#(#style_titlebar, #style_border, #style_sysmenu,#style_resizing)
    	fn init =
    	fn done =
    		-- cleanup code
    		gc light:true
    -- Event Handlers
    	on spRadius changed val do updateGraph()
    	on spLines changed val do updateGraph()
    	on spNumPts changed val do initRand()
    	on bitmapTest lbuttondown pos do getPt pos
    	on bitmapTest lbuttonup pos do mousePressed = false
    	on bitmapTest mousemove pos do updatePt pos
    	on bitmapTest resized pos do resizeDialog pos
    	on bitmapTest open do init()
    	on bitmapTest close do done()
    ) -- end of rollout
Hold down left mouse button and drag around inside the bitmap to see what happens..

Test #5:

  try destroyDialog bitmapTest catch ()
  rollout bitmapTest "Bitmap test 5"
  -- Local Variable Declerations
  	local dim = 100.0
  	local jsPos = [dim / 2 , dim / 2]
  	local mousePressed = false
  -- User Interface
  	bitmap bmGraph "" width:dim height:dim
  	spinner spGrid "Grid:" range:[0,20,8] align:#right fieldwidth:40
  	spinner spRadius "Radius:" range:[-100,100,15] align:#right fieldwidth:40
  	spinner spMulti "Multiply:" range:[-100,100,1] align:#right fieldwidth:40
  	spinner spAspect "Aspect:" range:[0,1,0.3] align:#right fieldwidth:40 scale:0.01
  -- Functions
  	fn mainFunc x y =
  		fn modFunc i x y =
 			local p = [x,y] - [dim,dim] / 2 - ([x,y] - jsPos) / (1 + ((length ([x,y] - jsPos)) / spRadius.value) ^ spMulti.value)
 			local m = mod (abs(p[i])) (dim / spGrid.value)
 			m >= ((dim / spGrid.value) * (1 - spAspect.value) / 2) and m < ((dim / spGrid.value) * (1 + spAspect.value) / 2)
  		) -- end fn
  		if distance jsPos [x,y] < 2.5 then (
  		) else (
  			if modFunc 1 x y then (
  			) else (
  				if modFunc 2 x y  then (
  				) else (
  				) -- end y
  			) -- end x
  		) -- end Red
  	fn updateGraph =
  		local newBitmap = bitmap dim dim color:white
  		for y = 1 to dim do (
  			local pixelArr = #()
  			for x = 1 to dim - 1 do (
  				local pixelColor = mainFunc x y
  				append pixelArr pixelColor
  			) -- end x loop
  			setPixels newBitmap [1,y] pixelArr
  		) -- end y loop
  		bmGraph.bitmap = newBitmap
  	) -- end updateGraph fn
  	fn updateJS pos =
  		if mousePressed do (
  			jsPos = pos - bmGraph.pos
  	fn openDialog =
  		createDialog bitmapTest width:(dim + 20) style:#(#style_titlebar, #style_border, #style_sysmenu,#style_resizing)
  	fn init =
  	fn done =
  		-- cleanup code
  		gc light:true
  -- Event Handlers
  	on spRadius changed val do updateGraph()
  	on spAspect changed val do updateGraph()
  	on spGrid changed val do updateGraph()
  	on spMulti changed val do updateGraph()
  	on bitmapTest lbuttondown pos do mousePressed = true
  	on bitmapTest lbuttonup pos do mousePressed = false
  	on bitmapTest mousemove pos do updateJS pos
  	on bitmapTest open do init()
  	on bitmapTest close do done()
  ) -- end of rollout

You know what to do…

Nice, thanks for posting!

I especially like the delaunay demo and the bell curve graph thing.

– MartinB

Finally a coment !
Thanks Martin

Hey, that’s really cool!

Maybe next time post a small screenshot that links directly to the script. I think I’d be more likely to play then.

Thanks davestewart,
I think I’ll do that…

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