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[Closed] instance current selection

Hi im quite new at this max script…but we are doing a library of components and we are working in RTRE

so i have tried to write a script that brings in a light dome and then instances the component over to the light dome once the lighting is done deletes the instance component…

now i had this working for one object but i want to be able to have two or more objects selcted as well…but thats where im alittle stuck…

macroScript deleteinstance Category:"tools" toolTip:"delete instance" 
delete $tempinstance*
macroScript makedome Category:"tools" toolTip:"Make Dome"
thecopypastedir = getdir #scripts  
thecopypastefile = "\RTRE_LDOME.max"  
thecopypastestring = thecopypastedir + thecopypastefile  
mergemaxfile (thecopypastedir + thecopypastefile) #select  
macroScript deletedome Category:"tools" toolTip:"delete Dome"
delete $EL*
macroScript align Category:"tools" toolTip:"align"
cs = getcurrentselection()
cscount = cs.count
for i = 1 to cscount do
newobject = instance selection[i] = "tempinstance"[i]
newobject.pos.x = $el_dome.pos.x
newobject.pos.y = $el_dome.pos.y

thanks for you help in advance

6 Replies

maybe because you use
“csamount” instead “sccount”
in line
for i = 1 to csamount do

Oh yes thanks for that…

so i tried but still doesnt seem to work…also now ive tried to make a dialog box instead of just buttons but now my delete doesnt work…

macroScript RTRE_lighting_dome Category:"tools" toolTip:"RTRE Lighting Dome"

 rollout buttons "RTRE Lighting Utility" width:158 height:321
button make "Make L DOME" pos:[19,38] width:117 height:42
on make pressed do
thecopypastedir = getdir #scripts 
thecopypastefile = "\RTRE_LDOME.max" 
thecopypastestring = thecopypastedir + thecopypastefile 
mergemaxfile (thecopypastedir + thecopypastefile) #select 

button delete "Delete L DOME" pos:[19,95] width:117 height:42

on delete pressed do


delete $EL*


groupBox grp1 "LIGHTDOME" pos:[8,8] width:139 height:146

groupBox grp2 "OBJECT ALIGN" pos:[8,162] width:139 height:146

button align "Align" pos:[19,189] width:117 height:42

on align pressed do


cs = getcurrentselection()

cscount = cs.count

for i = 1 to cscount [size=2]do


newobject = instance selection[i] = "tempinstance"[i]
[size=2]newobject.pos.x = $el_dome.pos.x
newobject.pos.y = $el_dome.pos.y

on execute do
createDialog Buttons

use “cs[i]” instead “selection[i]” in line
newobject = instance selection[i]

Oh cheers for that…something so simple right under your nose…

ok im getting an error now but im just not sure what it means

>> MAXScript Rollout Handler Exception: – Type error: Call needs function or class, got: ButtonControl:delete <<

and that relates to the code below…i had this working when it was in its own little maxscript but when its been put in the rollout its stopped working

on align pressed do
cs = getcurrentselection()
cscount = cs.count
for i = 1 to cscount do
newobject = instance cs[i] = "tempinstance"
newobject.pos.x = $el_dome.pos.x
newobject.pos.y = $el_dome.pos.y

on d_instance pressed do 
delete $tempinstance*

this error is beacause you are using a reserved Keyword for the button name: delete

change to:

button del “Delete L DOME” pos:[19,95] width:117 height:42

on del pressed do
delete $EL*

Hi thanks for that…

Ive now added a spinner and a checkbox…but the code isnt evaluating now… ive been looking at other code “” as reference and i cant spot the porblem

Ive not put any commands into the spinner or checkbox yet

macroScript RTRE_lighting_dome Category:"Juice tools" toolTip:"RTRE Lighting Dome 3"


rollout buttons "RTRE Lighting Utility" width:158 height:407


group "Light" 


checkbox chk1 "Checkbox" pos:[17,331] align:#right width:126 height:20 

spinner spn1 "Multiplyer" type:#float fieldwidth:200 pos:[27,361] width:115 height:16




button make "Make L DOME" pos:[19,38] width:117 height:42 

button del "Delete L DOME" pos:[19,95] width:117 height:42




button align "Align" pos:[19,189] width:117 height:42 

button d_instance "Delete" pos:[19,244] width:117 height:42


on make pressed do


thecopypastedir = getdir #scripts 

thecopypastefile = "\RTRE_LDOME.max" 

thecopypastestring = thecopypastedir + thecopypastefile 

mergemaxfile (thecopypastedir + thecopypastefile) #select 

UtilityPanel.OpenUtility RTRE

max tool zoomextents


on del pressed do


delete $EL*


on align pressed do


IF $EL_dome != undefined then


cs = getcurrentselection() 

cscount = cs.count


for i = 1 to cscount do


newobject = instance cs[i] = "tempinstance"

newobject.pos.x = $el_dome.pos.x

newobject.pos.y = $el_dome.pos.y

select $tempinstance*



else messagebox "Create Light Dome First !"


on d_instance pressed do


select $tempinstance*

max delete


on chkl pressed do



on spnl pressed do




execute do

createDialog Buttons
