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[Closed] ini files, saving spinner and radiobutton info help

Hi, I’ve successfully managed to add an ini file to save the input and output using

try(browse_max_label.text = (getINISetting theINI "Lukes Tools" "max_dir"))catch()
try(setINISetting theINI "Lukes Tools" "max_dir" (max_dir as string))catch()
on browse_max pressed do
	max_dir = getSavePath initialDir:(getDir #scene)
	browse_max_label.text = (max_dir as string)

as a part of my code.
I’m now adding a lot more features to the script and would like to know how I
would store the settings for a spinner or radiobuttons.
I’m sure ths is not too difficult but my methodology usually gets an undefined so
I would appreciate any code snippet and all the help I can get

2 Replies

try setIniSetting ("$plugcfg\\settings.ini") "Settings" "BigSpn" ( daBigSpn.value as string ) Catch()
 bigspnv = execute (getIniSetting ("$plugcfg\\settings.ini") "Settings" "BigSpn")
 try if ( bigspnv != OK and classof bigspnv == integer ) then daBigSpn.value = bigspnv Catch()

Thanks I’ll implement it tomorrow