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[Closed] Inertial Bounce animation

Hello all,

I am wondering if anyone has any advice for expressions in 3ds max for animation. I am much more experienced in modelling than animation, but I am working on a project which requires me to do animation. I often use the Inertial Bounce expression in AE for bringing life to my motion graphics. Are there any expressions for this sort of animation in MAX?

This is the link to the after effects expression:
http://www.motion-graphics-exchange …s/4ad0f32a944ad

I threw this animation together quickly, showing the kind of motion I am looking for.

Thanks for any help!

2 Replies

For advanced result you can play with spring controller (example) or U can use Flex modifier (example in attachment)

Thanks for the help. Is there anyway to get the spring modifier to work toward scale/rotation values?