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[Closed] in need of a script for max 8

I want a script that lets me chamfer while keeping the existing edge. Anyone have a free one or know how to make one…

12 Replies

Already exist, Solid Chanfer from Meshtools, but in max 8 don’t work

any chance someone knows how to fix meshtools for max 8???..specificly solid chamfer…I used that alot

Is the effect you are looking for like doing a poly extrude edge, with a 0 (zero) height? Could you share a pic of the desired result.

to make it work in Max8,
In the file or (in stdplugs/stdscripts)
replace the line:
polyop.chamferEdges thisObj theseEdges 0.001
thisObj.editablePoly.chamferEdges 0.001

Note: This is very strange :

create a box, convert to poly
polyop.chamferedges $ #{1} 1.0
->– Argument count error: chamferVerts wanted 4, got 3
chamferVerts ??? 4 aruments ???
anyone has a clue ?

blue, this is what zbuffer is talking about:

solid chamfer is crucial when defining edges! and I need it too for max8!
It would be great if someone with some script experience would take a short look into this issue?!


ok, now I got it. of course I tested it the script change with a converted box :argh: and got the error. but in general, it seems to work. But is much slower on higher poly geometry, IMHO


The end result there looks exactly the same as a poly edge extrude with a zero height. That should be fairly easy to implement as a script. Thanks for sharing a pic. When I have a moment I will try to throw something together.

excellent…works again…thank you very much

or try take a look on “chamfer madness” on scriptspot… a script i wrote for a year or to ago

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