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[Closed] if/then/else_jumps
Jun 22, 2008 4:22 pm
Hi guys,i got a little problem during scripting my muscles,
i have a point at the start of my muscle,i want it to move along X_axis about to 10 units,but when i make a script for that it jumps,in fact it dosen’t have a flow motion for 10 units,i dono is there a function or sth else to make it flower than this jumping moving???
clearly i’m looking for a flower mothion than a snaping motion.
the script i used is here :raely simple:
z_angle = "the value of z between twe bones"
if z_angle > 0 then
this is clear but i dont know why it jumps insted of haveing a flow motion :shrug:
i was wondering if you scripter help me,i realy need to know how to solve it.
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