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[Closed] Ideas for Error Handling


sending data via POST is done by the browser not by PHP.
PHP recieves the data.
So can build a local html file display it in the browser and have the data send via POST to a url on your server.

edit: I don’t think there is a 1024 limit with POST, GET has a limit for sure …
But there are ways to upload MB images with POST.


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Thanks Georg, you are right, it’s not php that sends the data, but user forms.

Pfew, just put in 25 hours in the weekend on the new Interface. Hope to do the error report and auto update next.


I have some more ideas:
the first – and very simple – one is to use an mailto-link with a hyperlink component in maxscript, so the user will send the error report with his own email client. The mailto-syntax is explained here:

I think that there are less than 1k characters provided if you use the mailto-link but it’s made very easy. Another idea is to generate a HTML code within maxscript that includes code for a POST form with your email and you error message and a button that let the user send you the message, e.g.:

 <form method="post" action="">
   <textarea name="ErrorMsg">
 	 YOUR ERROR MESSAGE HERE (> 1024 Characters!)

You could display that HTML page using the InternetExplorer ActiveX Component which is availlable on almost every Windows PC. MaxScript does support ActiveX components, so maybe this idea could work…


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Chris, Do we need a button to send the POST data? Can’t the webpage just redirect directly and send post data?

One way that could work without having and ActiveX component is just to use the Shell command to launch the page.

Going to work on this this evening. I will come back when I have figured out something more.

Hi Andreas,

JavaScript can do this. You could insert an JavaScript command at the end of the HTML page (to be sure, the page has successfully loaded):

<script labguage=“JavaScript”>

Hope, this helps,

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Ah, thanks, that should do the trick.

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