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[Closed] i-drop and/or download from URL

I am beginner -> intermediate MaxScripter with several tools developed over the past few months. However, I have hit a brick wall with my latest tool which requires Max to download a max file from a URL.

I know this is possible with i-drop, but I cant get that working from Script at all. I’ve looked at the help file all day and have worked through many alternatives, but got no where. The furthest I’ve got is using an ActiveX plugin or a Webpage in a dialog box to i-drop manually. However, this isnt what I need to achieve.

I require a script to make a connection to the web, and download a .max file from myURL to myDest (C:/3dsmax7/downloads).

I dont see any need to use i-drop. All I require is a simple download from/to function. Is this available in MaxScript? And if so, how is it achived? (there are no docs in the help file).

I have come from a Macromedia Director/Lingo background and this is an easy achieved process (downLoadNetThing “myURL”, “myDest”). So im finding it very frustrating that there isnt something similar in MaxScript.

Any help or insight into this (with examples) would be very much appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

1 Reply

Finally found the answer to my post with a little more trial and error yesterday.

I just wanted to share this with you incase anyone came across this problem – the MaxScript reference didnt seem too clear on this one and didnt give any code examples. Anyways…

– 1. force an internet connection

internet.CheckConnection url: force:true

[size=2]– 2. do the download[/size]
[size=2]dragAndDrop.DownloadUrlToDisk “ ” “C:/3dsmax/mydownloads/myimage.jpg” 1[/size]
[size=2]This will force an internet connection and download a specific image. Of course you can throw all sorts of variables and wild cards in there, but I was specifically interested in the download function. The MaxScript reference says that the integer at the end of the download function is a ‘flag’. Again, with no documentation of this, I use a “1” and have no idea why.[/size]
[size=2]It would be good to know why this flag is needed and what it is for. I ‘guessed’ and used a 1, as 1 == true.