[Closed] I need help with one last thing
So, I need some help again with my current development of my maxscript (that will be free along with all the models) when it’s ready. This is the last part of the script and I really can’t get it to work sadly…
I have now a multilistbox that lists all of the *.max files in a specific directory. I can also select one or more max files from that multilistbox and merge them into the scene, so far so good. My current problem is that the list of maxfiles is 300+ and the user doesn’t have any idea how the model looks like before he/she merge them in to the scene, and that is not so good.
I would like to have a imagebox in my script that shows the current selected maxfile. My plan
is to have all maxfiles (models) named correctly and have the same name for the pictures. The maxfiles will be in a directory called Models and the pictures of the models will be in a directory called Previews.
And so on…
So, when the user click on one of the listed files in the multilistbox, a picture of that model
will show up in a picturebox. That will of course only work if the user selects only one file in the multilistbox, not more, but it will be far more user friendly.
How hard is it to do something like this, is it even possible?
Have a look in the help at String Parser Methods. There you can trim your file pats, names, etc, replace them with other endings et cetera.
All you basically have to do is replace a string and a file ending (which is part of a string, too)
Thanks for the reply, but that doesn’t help a noob in this like me, think I will need some kind of example code for this kind of operation. Im still learning max script, and I have learnd a lot so far, but harder things like this is like a mess to me sadly
Here you can download my RTTAssist script.
The code is not encrypted.
One of the features of the RTTAssist is the feature that you want for your script – watch this video.
The Combine Maps rollout is a separate rollout in the script, so find it and feel free to adapt it to shows previews of the images for you tool.