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[Closed] I've been told things – are they true??

Hey there.

I’ve been told that some things just cant be done in 3dsmax while they are standard build-in things in maya.

One of the thing is the press-release shortkeys.

Very recently, I came over this code:

struct mbShortcuts (
 fn activateVPUnderMouse = (
  for i in 1 to viewport.numViews do (
   viewport.activeViewport = i
   mp = mouse.pos
   sz = getViewSize()
   if (mp.x > 0) and (mp.x < sz.x) and (mp.y > 0) and (mp.y < sz.y) do return true
  ) -- end: for i
) -- end: struct
global selectRegionMode=#rect

Now, for you who can maxscript, you will see that the code above lets you hilight the viewport that your mousepointer is currently over.
I assume that this kind of script, as it is been loaded during startup, is working there in the background all the time.

So I thought, maybe it is possible to have a feature of press-release in relation to hotkeys. The most interesting thing I would like to see is being able to snap objects while having a key pressed like in maya, and when released, the snap is turned off.

Can this be done?

5 Replies

he most interesting thing I would like to see is being able to snap objects while having a key pressed like in maya, and when released, the snap is turned off.

if i remember maya corretly you could snap as long you hold lets say “S” key . is it right?
i think this could be done withou big prob.some pseudo code like this could do the job
problem seem to be you need some second key to make it work ( alt-ctrl,shig esc)
Ok its farrrrrr from a roking script but you got the idea. if not i messed you up more lol
macroscript Snapkey
while keyboard.controlpressed do

[/b]btw go take a look at
mb_shortcut 1.2 unless you viewport highlight come from there


Ofcourse things that you read like that always neglect to tell you the things tht Max can do tht Maya can’t. It is increadible that these stupid arguments keep going on.

Ooops, got me there
Yep, that code, I got from you. Your script collection is so awesome – now I know that you hang out here too, great

I’ve totally switched over to your quickMaximizer, mostly thank to the automatic vierport highlighting. I found it very creatively, to fix what autodesk should have fixed a while ago.
As for maya – its not really S, but you were on the right track. In fact, there are the shortkeys x, c, v for grid, curve/edge and vertex.
If I am lucky, I might be able to do something like that. If not – I’ll come back to you

PEN: I am not sure if I understood you right. If you mean the stupid arguments about which is better or anything like that, then I agree. I have heard that since Amiga vs Atari, or Apple vs PC and so on.

But actually, here its a matter of a professional discussion, trying to find out the most effective way to work.
I do work with both 3dsmax and maya, so I am not really a “former user” of any of them, but rather an active user of both. In some cases, you get really frustrated, not because you dont know how to do something you know its possible to do in the other software, but rather it seems nearly “impossible”.

I could say that much of my workflow in maya is done using script and other things to improve the UI and the workflow. I noticed how confined I felt when I sat into a newly installed maya, until I had to put over all my personal preferences and settings.

There is no perfect software. As a user you should be open minded and try to find out what is best for you. I am so happy to be a “multi-user” and wish that I knew even one or two more of the big 3d applications, so that they would inspire me for more effective work.

What my problem is right now, is only to find solutions for making the inner idea coming true.
Deadlus’s small hint might solve one of many of these ideas.

little correction !!
The link i gave you arent my stuff.
Those are Martin Breidt script

hehe! I never checked the names, so I just assumed you were him.
Its allright!